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- [PS4] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v1.04 | Sept. 11
Updates for Martyr have been released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Major Changes & New features:
- Improved auto-targeting system and fixed bugs with interactable objects and executions
- Barrels can now be blown up with a button combination (shown on screen) for a better tactical experience
- When you use the "Target Lock" on to an enemy, the camera will now automaticly zoom out to maximum distance
- The duration of effects provided by Consumable Items are now also shown on the Star Map
- Reworked Morality choice window in the campaign
- A Party Leader indicator has been added to Character Portraits for clarity
- The Player Information window now also includes the Player's last played Class, Rank and Power Rating
- Tweaked the Dualshock controller speaker volume
- Stability improvements
- Numerous balance improvements
- Fixed numerous Campaign progression issues and blocks
- Fixed an issue where the Player would encounter an undismissable 'Player Not Found' notification
- Fixed an issue where the Inoculator or the skill bound to the R1 button could get stuck
- Fixed an issue where using Armour skills made all the buttons unresponsive
- Fixed an issue where the Player would get stuck on the invisible remains of destroyed objects
- Fixed an issue where a player was unable to see other player's execution animations during Co-Op missions
- Fixed an issue where the Cabal description's scrollbar at the Player Info card caused the selector to get stuck
- Fixed an issue where Cabal Invitations got stuck in the player's Data Terminal after accepting them
- Fixed an issue where the Data Terminal would remain stuck on the screen even after clearing its contents
- Fixed an issue where the 'Search Cabal' function was present on the Character Sheet for players that were already Cabal members
- Fixed an issue where the player was unable to Salvage the default Inoculator item
- Fixed an issue where pressing the Square button on the Command Bridge would bring up the Munitorium screen
- Fixed an issue where the player can't select the mission properly at the Warzone Boss window.
- Fixed the missing Select button on the Warzone screen
- Fixed an issue where the player could face the Nemesis boss before completing 'Battle 10'
- Fixed an issue where the player could face the Nemesis boss without having enough Favor
- Fixed an issue where multiple Local Coop characters would appear on the Command Bridge during a Couch Coop session
- Fixed an issue where the Crusader would not charge towards an enemy when using the Greataxe's 'Execute' skill
- Fixed an issue where the player had infinite uses of the 'Artillery Strike' world skill on Siege missions
- User Interface improvements related to the Pending Rewards and Full Inventory frame
- The turrets' secondary fire function is now assigned to R2
- Fixed the swapped icons on the Morality window
- Fixed the missing voice acting for Ragna van Wynter after players have activated Uther's Tarot
- Fixed a wrong dialog of Helena Goslar at the end of the 'Through Fire and Flames' investigation
- The correct Weekly Glory value is now shown after completing a Priority Assignment
- Added missing 'Digital Weapons' buff description
- Added missing 'Deflector' buff description and icon
- Added several missing error messages
- Fixed the description of the 'Allied Units' Tutorial
- Fixed an issue where the player was able to initiate a Local Co-Op session while being in an Online Multiplayer Party
- Dismissing the Local Co-Op 2nd player's Controller Disconnection pop-up on the 2nd player's Options Window will now automatically remove Henchman Characters from the game session
- The tooltip for the Advanced Crafting Materials will no longer get stuck after switching to the Crafting tab
- The red exclamation mark on the inventory screen now disappears immediately after checking the new items
- The missing 'Protector:' text has been added next to the Players names on the Subsector View of the Starmap
- Several GUI improvements and bugfixes (unreadable texts, line cuts etc.)
- Several localization fixes (for example code strings in Skill tree descriptions, english sentences etc.)
- Fixed scrollbars for languages with special characters
- The background of the following screens will now appear properly: Crafting, Inoculator, Tarot Missions
- Fixed a graphical artifacting issue with the Feral Beast Psymaster's purple 'War Pillars' skill's impact effect
- Major stability improvements and crash fixes
Known Issues:
- The "Invite Friends" button at the Co-Op Terminal does not work at the moment - players can now invite friends by opening the Navigation Wheel and selecting the Social panel to invite friends with the Square button.
- The 'Verminslayer', 'Reaper', 'Cull the Strong' and 'Where It Hurts' Heroic Deeds can be reached sooner than the corresponding Trophies. This does not affect their functionality and the Trophies can be obtained.
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I`m trying to play tro people one one PS as the game info Said i could when i bought the game, how do i do this? I can`t use social to invite another Account on the PS - or if so how so?
PSN: joel vanek (if for some reason joel vanek doesn't work then my PSN is "Killerjuicy" also....sorry i'm videogame stupid, lol)
Character: Killerjuicy
would you please give me your PSN and your character's name? We will check on the matter and fix it!
I luv this game. BUT, damn, there are a lot of bugs! Been playing on PS4 pro and just finished campaign. BUT NOW, Ragna van Wynter is broken!!! I'm loaded with items to sell but she won't budge! She has that freakin' exclamation point above her head that won't go away. Please help!!! i don't want to stop playing. This game (bugs aside) is great!
first of all i want to thank you for this great game. I love it.
But these amout of bugs must be fixed soon.
game crashes, massive graphic failures, disconnects, sound problems.
Im playing on the PS4 pro
9 days have passed since the patch and the mistakes are known it must be a solution!
the game is unplayable since the patch the campane especially and it is time for a quick hotfix update
Aiming with L1R1 doesnt work for me, i cant lock on explosives at all, have to fire in its direction if no auto target is in sight.
The aiming system seems to be not distance checking as long you are auto targetting something. It should be always the nearest thread in sight direction, i can manuel lock on, if i want. The nearest thread is btw. not the centre of a barricade where the enemy hides, its the enemy in a direct fireline i could hit with piercing shots.
Last random investigation i had lost because i had spawned between two bosses on a bridge on yellow difficulty within aggression range. I was melted in seconds and the revive point was on my corpse. Please reserve a spawning point without hard enemys for fairness.
Good work so far on the w40k atmosphere level, char, model design.
Just got to try my first Warzone battle (battle 3) as a Heavy Gunner Crusader (with a heavy bolter). It was simply UNPLAYABLE! I couldn't target anything, even if a walked right to their face. I have to run around trying to find a spot where the auto-targetting finds a target (from the gazillion available around me)...Is it your vision of what "Tactical" positionning means ?
And I can't even try to position myself to shoot in a specific direction and hope to hit something. The character then turns around and should at the floor or I don't know what. I guess my Crusader is trying to purge the f**** bugged out auto-targetting.
(Some maps are worse than others, as if some maps are a patchwork of sections that don't properly communicate between each other)
If you can't make a functionning auto-targetting (not even asking for an optimized one...), at least make a manual targetting system (look at what they did for Titan Quest). It wouldn't be ideal, but at least it would be somewhat playable...
Sorry for the sarcastic tone. I used your auto-targetting system to type this text.
Roll patch back and Test it for roll out
Since the 1.04 patch on PS4, my friend and I cannot revive each other while playing local co-op either. This has lead to a lot of bored watching the other for 20-30 minutes if you’re killed early on by a suprise explosion or harder difficulties where Player 2 has no health inoculators. Please correct this problem. Thank you.
Knockdown from the skill tree no longer applies debuff.Sniper skills don't appear to target some enemies and overall targetting range seems reduced.Object targetting is a massive improvement as is targetting explosive items. Long range targetting does not seem as good as pre patch and shooting from cover is at best random .Would appreciate response on whether knockdown is is a change or a bug as I have a character based around that combo.
While the auto aiming works okayish with the assault rifle, it got much worse with the heavy bolter. You can hardly use the single shot on circle as the character just doesn't aim at all, if you're not standing really close to an enemy.
Please, for the love of the emperor, fix the aiming or just roll it back.
Will the graphic improve? There are 2 things thats really bugged me the lack of shadow only on character and enemies not object and environment make the game look really bad. Second the destructive environment nothing seems to work here in trailer said destroy pillar so it fall down on enemies here the pillar just disappear. I just feel like ive been lied to.
This is a MAJOR problem. When will it be fixed?
Wow hang on a minute if it's "still in the works" does.that mean Xbox are not getting this patch for another week? Why are you doing all of this separately from every platform... this is infuriating if it's true work on them all and bring them out at the same time cause you're gonna lose players...
I not play long Time i think a patch make more stability and bugfix. Sound bug ps4 all sound go silenc the only way to bekomm sound back is to close the game! The Sniper aim look ability not work every befor the patch it work. CO-OP unplayabled. Ps4 Pro complet random System crash only work is turn of power cable.
This is no bugfix this is more bugs
I personally find the new aiming to be a step back. It seems totally broken when behind cover and triggering an action is really difficult. I couldn't release prisoners from a cell to a maddening degree.
Still in working by your side or already submitted and in work by MS? If it is still on you side it won't be out before at least another week but easily more.
Or make it at least optional. I almost never use camera rotation in those kind of games.
Best regards.
Or make it at least optional. I almost never use camera rotation in those kind of games.
While the auto aiming works okayish with the assault rifle, it got much worse with the heavy bolter. You can hardly use the single shot on circle as the character just doesn't aim at all, if you're not standing really close to an enemy.
Please, for the love of the emperor, fix the aiming or just roll it back.
I didn’t notice them telling us when the PS4 patch was submitted so I’m not surprised . Then again, I’m more focused on the Xbox since that’s what I have it for.
I have read where developers say that Microsoft’s certification process takes longer. Sometimes a week after Sony’s patches have already gone through.
First major issue i just ran into was that while playing local co-op, neither one of us was able to resurrect the other player. Was this intended or is it just a glitch?
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