



This is the moment many of our fans have been waiting for: you can now play an early build of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr. 


Before you get too excited and commit to buying the game, please be very careful and thoughtful about this, consider if this release is indeed for you right now. You should understand that this is not the full game. Purchasing any of the tier packs will grant you the full game later, at release (in a couple of months), but not right now. You'll get a playable build right now, but it's not complete. (See the development Roadmap)

This is an opportunity to try the game early, help the developers shape certain aspects of the game until the full product is released. There will be bugs, there will be clunky features, and there will be many-many missing features, most importantly, the story campaign.

What you get now, is a test of core gameplay (including navigation, combat, co-op). Prepare to leave feedback at any time, and these will be vastly improved in following updates.

So just to recap:

What is "The Founding"?

It's a founder campaign following the development of Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr from the alpha build up to the final release. We have reached the alpha state with the game, with the riskier and more uncertain developments behind us. We can see now what we can accomplish and what we can't - the next step is to create a fun, enjoyable game from this basis.

We'd like to invite players and certain members of the press to help us realize Martyr's final form.

Who's it for?

This is for the early adopters who'd like to be there in the early days, helping out developers even in times of struggle, until the game reaches its final state. This is for the players who'd like to help developers with their feedback to create a great game. We can't promise to make all the suggested changes, but we'll always pay close attention to what you're suggesting.

Who should avoid this?

Players who only like a polished, finished product. At this point, Inquisitor - Martyr is no such game, far from it. We're building up from the basics and we'll add more and more layers to it during the Founding. It will have many bugs, it will be unbalanced, and not always fun.

Players who just want early advantages before release should avoid the Founding as well. We'll hit the reset button multiple times during this stage. At release, we'll reset all accounts, you only get to keep skins and the experience of playing.

You won't get the game cheaper this way either, it's a founder campaign offering the game on its base price (and with more expensive tiers). If you want the game at a cheaper price, there will be plenty of opportunities after release.


Also... welcome to our new Community Hub of NeocoreGames!  Read the Introduction Post to see what you should expect from this site and how to engage in discussions.

As The Founding launches, it is important that we start testing the game and collecting all feedback from everybody who decides to join us on this journey. There's a lot of work to be done on the game, and we're at this phase were your opinion counts - there's no other way to make a great game. We try to be as transparent as possible, we try to answer all questions, we will listen to you. We're an independent studio, and this is our biggest undertaking yet.

Help us make Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr and its community site something extraordinary. Come and join in discussions whether you join The Founding itself or not - it doesn't matter. What matters is your opinion.

Welcome, Acolytes. The Warp is stirring.

This post was modified 8 years 40 days ago by Jim Fox
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8 years 26 days ago
Just bought the game and can't wait to play :D
8 years 27 days ago

When there is an opportunity to start a game on Mac?

8 years 29 days ago
I look forward to what this game will offer.  I am impressed with the state the game is currently in for an Alpha stage.  There are some annoying bugs, and this make testing a bit hard.  Still I am liking what I have experienced so far.  I agree with suggested additions to make the gameplay, and game mechanics, more user friendly (enjoyable).

Bright future for a dark death filled gothic game.

8 years 30 days ago
I agree on all points, especially the door transparency and wargear comparisons.  Its a chore when you are in the store to see if the wargear sold is better than what you have equipped, exit the store to see what you have on, then go back into the store.  Some things I would like to see in the game as well as what you mentioned:

*A clear online mode module.  I have not been able to see or be able to access the ability to do coop invites or what not.  I understand it being down, but not being able to at least navigate or access the feature to look around makes it hard to provide better feedback.

*Fate economy.  No one knows what this does or what it is for.  At least during conversations in game I had.

*Pick up Tarantula Sentries.  The way the mobs are configured, it would be beneficial to pick these up as you move along.  In the RTM version, limiting to 3 maybe ok because there would be more dynamic maps/mobs that would require more tactical thinking. Maybe put a huge cooldown penalty to when that turret can be redeployed.  Destroyed turrets are gone till the mission is cleared/surrendered.  

*Weapon balancing.  I don't have a problem with OP weapons in games like these, but when a Lasgun has better damage against a dreadnaught vs a plasma gun/pistol/cannon something is off.  Also the grav weapons are really broken.  You can practically one shot any enemy except armor, and the AoE attacks are enough to kill a mob alone.  


*Wargear will disappear when relaunching the game or reset first and second weapon setups.  

*When reviewing Heroic Deeds, wheel mousing down will crash the game hard.  Its also crashed when trying to scroll down by dragging.  The first one is more consistent, however.  

I really like where this game is headed and am looking forward to where it will be come RTM.  

8 years 31 days ago

Hy everyone, 

My observations about the alpha:
(sorry about the previous post I misclicked and can't find a way to remove it)
   *Main menu : music reminds me of my old nintendo and the the text feels un-warhammerish with its simplicity, in-game Hud is better but I expected something more fanatical (we're talking about the Inquisiton here there is so much iconography and heraldry in warhammer you could do better that this)
   *Someone needs to explain this Koschei the deathless obsession to me (cuz I'm curious :D )
   *Store and inventory items should have comparison Windows with equipped items.
   *Tarantula turrets acquire targets way too slow and most of the time shoots at already dead enemies , skill cooldowns, running speed (I noticed that equipment effects it) skill activation feels slow too I like to play more dinamically.
   *cover is inefficient most of the time.
   *Doorways block my view to the adjecent rooms and get transparent way too slow also some weapons fire in strange directions while standing in the doorway.
   *Some weapons are designed to be effective against vehicles and armor (this is an important aspect of warhammer 40K) but now a lasgun is more effective against a dreadnought than a plasma gun.
   *Tarantula sentries cannot be reclaimed or dismissed this makes them even more ineffective.
   *Gameplay needs more crowd control skills because sometimes the enemy just overwhelms us ( I'm thinking about companions no inquisitor walks alone and skills like stasis grenades to slow down enemies, poison grenades ( skills like grenades should activate faster)
   *I understand the concept that level is not the main factor in combat effectiveness but the skill tree is unimaginative and restricted.

After all these things I must say that the game is beautiful (what I saw so far) the star map is gorgeous the weapon list is impressive (but there are a lot more guns in warhammer  and the Inquisition has more liberty in the use of chaos and xeno weapons/equipment). If the devs manage to make a few more characters like Lady Katerina in Van Helsing this game will be awesome. I hope my feedback helps you a lot in the making of this game.

8 years 31 days ago
This comment was deleted 8 years 28 days ago by Morzan
8 years 36 days ago
First things first. 

Great game! Awesome mayhem :D alot of running back :P

1. May we post pictures, stream or otherway do free PR for this for you guys? You might have answered somewhere in your EULA or fora, but I cant seem to find it. 

2. I keep experience crashes to desktop, with the game not responding. Happend 3 times, all in time between 15 - 35 mins of gameplay.

8 years 36 days ago

Just got the game and am incredibly excited to get into it (once it finishes downloading :P )!!

8 years 37 days ago
Posted by peter mack 8 years 37 days ago
i had that issue if you have credits you need to equip some weapons, after the new patch you have no equipment when you start

Hi! Thanks for the report! This is a known issue and will be fixed as soon as possible!

8 years 37 days ago
i had that issue if you have credits you need to equip some weapons, after the new patch you have no equipment when you start

8 years 38 days ago
From what I'm able to see the game looks beautiful for being in Alpha stage sadly like many others the coretech "map not found" error has been plagueing me, nevertheless I can't wait for this game to come together!
8 years 38 days ago
Posted by Bucanneer 11 8 years 38 days ago
Greetings Dev's,   Is there a forum or place for bug issues with the Alpha?  Thanks.
8 years 38 days ago

Great for an alpha, can wait for the full game!

8 years 38 days ago
Fantastic game.  The most polished alpha I have ever played.  Final game will be mind-blowing!!
8 years 38 days ago
Greetings Dev's,   Is there a forum or place for bug issues with the Alpha?  Thanks.
8 years 39 days ago
Hello Devs. Are there some new Informations about the Patch for Today? 
8 years 39 days ago

First of all for those early stages of an alpha fuck yeah o.o love it already.

Yet i swapped out my Autogun to a Boltgun and the Plasmagun to a Multimelter. Are those Guns yet not implemented? When i try to use them and load into a mission i levitate through the room not beeing able to use a single attack except grenades. If i use the standard weaponry it just works like a charm :)

8 years 40 days ago
8 years 40 days ago
Posted by Silma 8 years 40 days ago

I'm playing a lot of your game, and I must say that after the amazing adventures of Van Helsing, there will be plenty of adventures Wharammer 40k !!! After the failures of other games of W40K, and are not a passionate Warhammer, here's something really good, , thanks to all of you Dev.

Thank you for the kind words! :)
8 years 40 days ago

I'm playing a lot of your game, and I must say that after the amazing adventures of Van Helsing, there will be plenty of adventures Wharammer 40k !!! After the failures of other games of W40K, and are not a passionate Warhammer, here's something really good, , thanks to all of you Dev.

This comment was edited 8 years 40 days ago by Silma
8 years 40 days ago
This comment was deleted 8 years 40 days ago by Morzan
8 years 40 days ago
Thank you!
8 years 40 days ago
Same thing for me... the unexpected error and cannot load any missions... the pop-up to create an online account keeps coming up and then i get booted into offline mode. :) the command deck and videos are great! love whaat you're doing with it! keep the good stuff coming! 
8 years 40 days ago

Is there a Storm Bolter ingame? I havn't come across one as of yet and it would be a fitting weapon to destroy the xenos filth!

Liking the traditional weapon qualities common, uncommon, rare, but staying true to W40K will we see unique relic status weapons and  mastercrafted items aswell?

This comment was edited 8 years 40 days ago by SolarCerberuS
8 years 40 days ago
The weapons 3rd attack (key 1) is this, it has an AOE but I think the projectile and hit sfx don't depict this well currently. IMO the projectile should be around 200% larger and have a slightly larger AOE (30%) and a unique hit animation sfx.

In addition I think it should be 3x as powerful but have a delayed fire (charge) and a longer cooldown, the LMB single fire I believe should also be a little stronger (around an extra 20%) as I feel no real use for it over the RMB continuous fire even against lesser enemies.
8 years 40 days ago
These guys have been working overtime it seems very stable for me after a couple of days of glitches it seems way better.  I actually finished a level without a crash!!!  Great job guys and gals of the development team.   As for you new paticipants.  email the support page and they will help you promptly.
8 years 40 days ago

Same, can't connect because it keeps asking me to create an account. 

8 years 40 days ago
Posted by WARDUKE 8 years 40 days ago

Same problem as James and Schwarzblut. Asks for account name to create account, no matter what name I try, I get an unexpected error, and am unable to connect.

Same problem here, please fix :)
8 years 40 days ago

Same problem as James and Schwarzblut. Asks for account name to create account, no matter what name I try, I get an unexpected error, and am unable to connect.

8 years 40 days ago
Outstanding alpha! 

Once you most venerable adepts are ready for the next stage in the founding I hope comments posted by TUNGT88 are given some consideration. 

I would implore for special regard on separating the movement function from the primary combat function.  The system makes stream and CQB weapons very cumbersome.  Beyond that concern, the combat is delightful with every weapon.  It is clear to see they are thoughtfully balanced.

And a final congratulations to your sound team! The effects are visceral and the music is nostalgic while remaining unique for this era.

Thank you for letting us tithe to play test for you. Look forward to more.

8 years 41 days ago
Please allow mouselook mb3 to be a toggle button
8 years 41 days ago
Currently having the same issues as schwarzblut, all i get is create account name, no matter what i enter all i get is a short delay followed by "unexpected error"
8 years 41 days ago
If i buy the game, installed it over Steam, so i start the game and first, i must create a Playaccount. I give a Name and go to OK, after a little Time comes " unexpected Error ".  So i canot play this Game, what i make wrong?
8 years 41 days ago
Posted by MauganKhaine 8 years 41 days ago

If I buy the 40$ version to see if the game suits my taste and I like to show more support, is there a way to upgrade to a higher pack? Or do I have to make a new purchase? 

Currently, no. Later maybe.
8 years 41 days ago
Would be very cool to use weapons such power scythes, power fists, chainfists, hammers and lightning claws, another interesting point would be the possibility to chose your facial appearance (no so much opitions, but enough to make you character).
8 years 41 days ago
One last Valentines Day surprise for us was it?
8 years 41 days ago

If I buy the 40$ version to see if the game suits my taste and I like to show more support, is there a way to upgrade to a higher pack? Or do I have to make a new purchase? 

8 years 41 days ago
It will not let me buy the game. It keeps saying cancelled and will not let me purchase it. 
8 years 42 days ago

No idea if that one already came up: any way to give the Plasma Cannon AoE (as it is an exploding ball of plasma)?

8 years 42 days ago

Game freez every time you try to switch the wepons or if there are too many enemys also the loot you find is missing after the freez. I can´t destroy "warp Portals" if I´m a range fighter, melee can destroy them?  The game is really good it makes a lot of fun!

8 years 42 days ago
Posted by Morzan 8 years 42 days ago
The next patch is coming very soon!
Thanks Morzan :) Good job for this game, really i like 
8 years 42 days ago
Posted by Silma 8 years 42 days ago

you can have a patch for the freeze of the game, otherwise you can not test anything

The next patch is coming very soon!
8 years 42 days ago

you can have a patch for the freeze of the game, otherwise you can not test anything

8 years 42 days ago

Gameplay stuff :

Heavy weapon :

- Heavy bolter fire rate is a bit low : it is said to be at 580 RPM ^^

- Heavy bolters are known to have jamming problems due to fire rate

- Would love a suppressing fire (like DoW II for example) 

     * leftclick = single shot

     * rightclick = semi-auto (3-4 rounds per shot/click)

     * 1 = full auto (right in front, chance of jamming)

     * 2 = suppressing fire (30° frontal cone, chance of jamming)

Close combat :

- Jump should be changed (or unlocked via jetpack equipment loot ?) to : Charge while firing gun/while holding shield (=lower ranged damage or heavy damage or knockback on collision)

- Shield shouldn't be a starting item (i'd more likely see chainsword + pistol bolter)

Didn't test the "in between" :)

And final word : This game is GREAT (even in alpha mode :D ).

8 years 42 days ago
Havent been able to play / test for more than 1-2 minutes at a time .. 

Game freezes every single time. No matter what location I am in game .. 

Have tried Windowed / Fullscreen, Min / Max details and all settings in between .. nothing works .. :(

8 years 42 days ago
Posted by Calus 8 years 42 days ago
When is the tour likely to be scheduled?  I would need to know well in advance in order to secure time off, transport, and everything else that is important when traveling to a foreign country.  

I have not had time to play yet and I am very excited to finally start playing the Alpha!

Thank your for the support! You will get an email soon about the tour from my colleague.

8 years 42 days ago
When is the tour likely to be scheduled?  I would need to know well in advance in order to secure time off, transport, and everything else that is important when traveling to a foreign country.  

I have not had time to play yet and I am very excited to finally start playing the Alpha!
8 years 42 days ago
Posted by Swensson 8 years 42 days ago
I get a "Wrong current password" when trying to view my gamekey. I created my account via. Facebook and KNOW it was the correct password. When i use the "Forgot password" feature, I get no E-mail, this effectively means i can't change my password.. Any advice? 

We're working on it and we'll inform the community (about the updated mail services) when it's done. 

Thanks for your feedback!

This comment was edited 8 years 42 days ago by Jim Fox
8 years 42 days ago
I get a "Wrong current password" when trying to view my gamekey. I created my account via. Facebook and KNOW it was the correct password. When i use the "Forgot password" feature, I get no E-mail, this effectively means i can't change my password.. Any advice? 
8 years 42 days ago
more things to note! On my last play through which just ended in a freeze.  Reaction of gun turrets special is very slow turrets are searching for targets that are right in front of them.!

Does not necessarily freeze evrey time you change weapon but i definitely dont advise it.  When it freezes i always have to ctrl alt del and then sign out to fix it.   clip zones are not set on the walls ie :large walker (forge world model cant remember name)  fell through the wall instead of smashing into it.    The gibbing on the nurglings and swarms is perfectly acceptable but not on space marines and dreadnaughts and mutants and cultists anything barring a missle directly to them should not cause gibbing!!! please promise me the gibbing will change or stop in later development lol its so generic and cheap looking on this awesome game.