We are going to update the W40K Build Soon


The Founding is now live!

Before you buy or download, read everything very carefully and note that the build you’re downloading (in the few first hours at least) is not a current Founding build, but an earlier one. You might want to wait a few hours for a better experience, otherwise there might be crashes.

This post was edited 7 years 147 days ago by Morzan
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 We are going to update the W40K Build Soon
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7 years 166 days ago
Posted by The Corgissar 7 years 166 days ago
It'll be ready when It'll be ready, faults always happen in the release day and its alright, I am sure we can all wait patiently like adults.
This will be a wonderful community, I can feel it :)
7 years 166 days ago
Just to name a few:

  • Inventory
  • Loot
  • Smoother combat
  • Balance changes
  • More maps
  • Reworked map settings
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Weaselfish 7 years 166 days ago
Is there a place to send err files? My game keeps crashing and id like to send the log files?
Yeah, wait until the next build (shouldnt take more than a couple hours at maximum) and then see if there is an improvement. The current build is barely a test for ourselves.
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Morzan 7 years 166 days ago

This is the old build, so please be patient. There will be an update soon!

Patience seems like something a heretic would suggest.....
7 years 166 days ago
Open up the steam client.

From the top menu go to Games > Activate a product on Steam.

Enter your key and you should be good to go.

7 years 166 days ago

Any update about the founders version ? Approximate ETA maybe (still some hours or less) ?

This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Melchior
7 years 166 days ago
Eagerly waiting for the new build, but i already had more fun with this "old" alpha than with the beta versions of Ghost Recon Wildlands and For Honor :)
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by destructus 7 years 166 days ago
so this was posted 7 hours ago whats the build version we should have or as of 7:00 PM EST 2/10/2017 the new version? because i have a lot of feedback if this is the founders build

It´s still not the aplha build. Dev wrote, that when the build will be up and running, they will aslo start a new topic here to announce it, so you will ot miss it :)

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Britva 7 years 166 days ago
Can you stream the game?

We strongly advise not to. At least not until the final build is uploaded to Steam. The game is still in a very early alpha state, so many things are subject to change.

7 years 166 days ago
Not at this very moment. 

They are busy uploading a new build of the game.
That build is the one we are supposed to be testing and playing right now.

So we all have to wait for the new build and after that we can start making bug reports and sending the log files!
Hope this helps.

7 years 166 days ago
The two missions are a lot of fun. 

I`m really looking forward to the next build. 

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Behemot 7 years 166 days ago

Just an idea, could you provide us with the information what will be in the next build youre talking about.... Loot system, leveling??? Just to keep us hyped?? :) 

You can actually already read that on the Roadmap, found here https://neocoregames.com/en/store/warhammer-40k-inquisitor-martyr-editions#section-roadmap

7 years 166 days ago
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Scoffs 7 years 166 days ago
Patience seems like something a heretic would suggest.....
Patience is a virtue, as you should know. Ravenor is basic knowledge for an aspiring member to the ordo of His holy inquisition ;-D
7 years 166 days ago
Any news on when the next build will be deployed, are we talking today or more like over the weekend or next week. would be nice to know rough eta
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Tanang 7 years 166 days ago
Any news on when the next build will be deployed, are we talking today or more like over the weekend or next week. would be nice to know rough eta
Devs said a couple of hours. So hopefully today and if not i think it will be there tomorrow. 

Things like this are expected with such an early phase in developing! 

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by ClawIII 7 years 166 days ago
While we wait, can you give us some bullets at to what we can expect with the new Alpha build vs what's there now? 

Just to name a few:

  • Inventory
  • Loot
  • Smoother combat
  • Balance changes
  • More maps
  • Reworked map settings
7 years 166 days ago
Absolutely, you don'T have to worry about it ^^
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Treyus 7 years 166 days ago

Will there be an announcement when the actual Founder's build is up?

For sure, we are here and as soon as we got any news we share it here.
7 years 166 days ago

Direct quote from developers(Megapull): "It seems that we have achieved a major breakthrough, hopefully things will be on track soon guys. Sorry for all the wait we have caused. Fingers crossed now." (You can find it here)

Tanang, please, don't forget that you're currently playing an outdated version of the client. Actual patch with a lot of new content and features will be availible ASAP.

This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Charles Rex
7 years 166 days ago
I've probably misunderstood you. My apologies. Also, waiting is real (*)_(*) (Those are eyes)
7 years 166 days ago

kinda sad that the Assassin won't be available. Seems fun. :P

7 years 166 days ago
How big will the founders update be, after we downloaded the older version?
7 years 166 days ago
Whew, was a tad worried. Glad to see so many jumping in early. I'll check back in a few hours. Looking forward to testing this baby oput.
7 years 166 days ago
And we are looking forward for all of your feedback :)
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Vikingvesk 7 years 166 days ago
Are you sure you guys are ready for all the feedback? ;) Hope you have some good coffee over there.

A quick question!  I have the old build installed now. Is it better to uninstall that one and redownload it when the new build goes live? Or will it auto update everything. 

It will be updated automatically if you have auto-updates enabled on Steam.
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 166 days ago
Debating with sleep or not, is it possible the build will be processed within an hour mr nice developer people? 
We already skipped the sleep part... Using all the energy that the God Emperor could provide us in our fight.
7 years 166 days ago
It'll be ready when It'll be ready, faults always happen in the release day and its alright, I am sure we can all wait patiently like adults.
7 years 166 days ago
Played the first 2 missions with 1 minor crash 1st time loading, but very pleased so far this game for a pre-alpha i think this game has great potential, very excited to see what comes with the new build.
7 years 166 days ago
ah perfect. My email was not updating
7 years 166 days ago
Where do i download after buying?

 Cant find it anywhere on steam?

7 years 166 days ago
You should get an email with your key. 

Then you can activate that key on steam.
Be aware that there are some problems with the mailing system, but they are working on it! 

7 years 166 days ago

I have to say that I am a little worried that they launched a paid alpha and don't actually have the correct version up at launch.
I realllllly want this game to be great and I will play the heck out of it once I have a version i can run to help make this a great game but this is a very sad launch even for an alpha.
I need to serve the emperor!
7 years 166 days ago

Hello, I'm back home. Tried to play again, same error "Failed to start game (unknown error)"

 Am I doing somthing wrong or was the game's main Alpha launch broken?

It's cool if you need time to fix stuff but why waste people bandwith if you know it's not going to work? 

7 years 166 days ago
It's happening
7 years 166 days ago
Yes, the download has started. Good job devs ! :D

Let's purge some heretics....

7 years 166 days ago
Enjoyed the base combat mechanics for both classes. Not sure how I feel yet about the camera mechanics. As far as the suppression mechanic, it feels kind of clunky in the sense that when you are attacking, you are standing still, thus unable to avoid being suppressed. I'm sure this will be addressed at some point though.
7 years 166 days ago
My Steam just started downloading the update.  5.3GB.  I like what I haveseen so far and it shows great promise.
7 years 166 days ago
the Purge is finally en route...60% done...:)
7 years 166 days ago
Update downloading now!!! ;)
7 years 166 days ago
Update doneeeee
7 years 166 days ago
Network Error when starting game????
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by LordWolf 7 years 166 days ago
My Steam just started downloading the update.  5.3GB.  I like what I haveseen so far and it shows great promise.

Good. I had to restart Steam to get it to pick up. So if any of you don't be getting it yet, just restart Steam

This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Starbanger
7 years 166 days ago
Guess it is supposed to show up on Steam, but i am not seeing it either. I have the key, just no download.
7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Mkarzi 7 years 166 days ago

I have to say that I am a little worried that they launched a paid alpha and don't actually have the correct version up at launch.
I realllllly want this game to be great and I will play the heck out of it once I have a version i can run to help make this a great game but this is a very sad launch even for an alpha.
I need to serve the emperor!
Well these things are to be expected.

And they said very clearly it will be a long buggy not always pretty ride!

Also i think this is their first time of working like this on steam.
So i am quite sure things will be better in the future! 

7 years 166 days ago
Posted by Mkarzi 7 years 166 days ago

I have to say that I am a little worried that they launched a paid alpha and don't actually have the correct version up at launch.
I realllllly want this game to be great and I will play the heck out of it once I have a version i can run to help make this a great game but this is a very sad launch even for an alpha.
I need to serve the emperor!

Woops double.

This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Vikingvesk
7 years 166 days ago

Did you activate the key via Steam? https://gyazo.com/9e9a58446192fafe35df5f5bbfa829e3

This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Megapull
7 years 166 days ago

I can't start the game after the update. And when i try to start it whit the Warhammer_x64_11.exe , I get only Error: d3dcompiler_47.dll is missing as pop-up

7 years 166 days ago

Ok, I got he 5.3GB download. but get "Failed to start game (unknown error)"

i7 4790k,

16GB ram

908Ti driver up to date

Win10 up to date

what do I try next?

7 years 166 days ago
No problems with mine! :)