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- Warhammer Changelog - v0.1.5
Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.
It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them)
New: The first in-game Survey
- We have added the first in-game survey to gather some information from you about the game. Please fill it carefully - you will get a small reward :)
- This being the first survey in a hopefully long line, it is rather simple. The follow-up ones may be more complex!
New Weapons
- Finally - Unlocked the Grenade Launcher and the Greatsword!
- Grav Pistol
- Grav Gun
- Eviscerator
New Features
- Tweaked the map layout so the unexplored regions are visible as well at a lower opacity
- Added individual videos to every solar system’s briefing interface
Fixed bugs
- The sound of the Bolt Pistol was a bit lower pitched than the original one you guys voted in due to an Fmod change that gave a varied pitch (within a small range) to the weapon. We have fixed this and removed the variance so you can finally purge with the Bolt Pistol’s music in your ears.
- Fixed the infamous item loss bug where players lost items from their Stash, Inventory or Character. Also we now have a better info source about similar issues, should they happen in the future.
- Fixed missing mission rewards
- Fixed a bug where attribute points got reset
- Fixed the Influence bug (and the crash that came with it)
- Fixed a crash that occurred when players were selecting Bunker Busting missions
- Fixed VFX of Tarantula Turret
- Fixed a bug with weapon set tabs not displaying correctly when switching sets
- Fixed a bug where the same character was displayed in the main menu, despite which one was played last
- Heroic Deeds and Challenges are tracked properly now.
- The majority of enemies got rebalanced in a major overhaul
- Rebalanced the majority of player skills for smoother gameplay
Known Issues
- Co-Op issues
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Luckily I had a decent Plasma cannon so just kept cycling the full auto fire on that until I over heated then swapped to the heavy bolter pumped out a mag and swapped back to PC (and repeated this over and over) then occasionally a salvo from the cyclone when it was available.
Wasn't so much the return to center and heal mechanic that was an issue, that is a good mechanic as before I could easily draw a dreadie out and use previous rooms to my advantage.
The issue was like you said in the end of your comment that once the dreadie had done so (returned to centre to heal) It no longer retargeted or engaged me allowing me to run right up to it and attack it without it retaliating at all.
On one occasion when the dreadie got stuck in this healing phase it still stayed in healing cycle even once at full heath, luckily my secondary weapon was quite OP and I was able to whittle it down in a minute or so even with it continually healing.
Have had this occur many occasions myself esp annoying when its purples that are disappearing.
What I have found is when equipping new weapons/loadouts, do so as normal but before starting a mission exit the game first, even close out all together and reboot the game, this seems to retain the new loadout and helps prevent reverting back and losing (as many) items although I still have a few disappearing on occasion and items are sometimes duping instead of disappearing (which isnt so annoying).
Equipped in place of shotgun.
Started mission.
Still have shotgun.
Abort mission.
Grenade launcher gone.
Item disappear bug is being looked at at the moment - since 0.1.5 we have more info about lost items, and they are not erased which means we can give them back. However, our goal is to patch this globally instead of dealing with individual user's items, which should solve all such problems in the future. Stay tuned!
i dont know but the invalid ownership is back again
i know thats alpha but im tired every 2 days for lost my all equip
bb game for now
Equipped in place of shotgun.
Started mission.
Still have shotgun.
Abort mission.
Grenade launcher gone.
Alson tested it that both with equiping items with rightklick and drag-dropping is causing this issue.
It doesn't matter if you equip an item, than log out and back again. After starting a mission, your item is:
1. totally gone and your character is floatin in air instead of walking
2. has the previouse gun equipped in the hand and it's overwriting the new one.
So no workaround yet
after each relog or completed mission some equip are gone....
Equipped in place of shotgun.
Started mission.
Still have shotgun.
Abort mission.
Grenade launcher gone.
Playing a "silence the guns" mission, dreadnought spawned inside one of the guns. I could only hit it with AoE attacks and it wasn't fighting or moving.
Multiple Havocs (2+) with grenade launchers can "stun-lock" you with knockdown.
Proposed solution: When "Overwhelmed" have a % chance to knockdown, % chance to take additional damage
Great patch from the Neocore team!
A few issues I have encountered since 1.5 dropped
1 - Grav gun currently has no sfx for any skills and is missing the vfx for the persistent skill just shows a blue/red/green x,y,z hitbox designation while the DOT plays out.
Overall the Grav gun is a great weapon but appears a quite over powered compared to the other heavy weapons, If that is its intention perhaps needs a longer cooldown between basic shots and the stronger skills.
2 - Dreadies now seem bugged intermittently on occasion returning to room spawn point and no longer aggro, constantly heal while just standing there unaware to the player presence.
3 - Recieved purple rare (lasgun) from mission award cache naturally equipped at typical pre-mission loadout as It was a vast improvement over current equip available, upon mission start loadout had reverted to previous with the purple rare now lost. I have changed loadouts pre mission a few time since the patch but this was the first instance items reverted and were lost.
Keep up the great work.
Or are you having it to where you are right next to one, and it doesn't register you? Cause if thats the case, thats an entirely bigger problem.
Here is a link for mobile users:
Apparently the website is STILL badly unoptimised.
About the survey. I would like to see darker lighting stations. At the moment, the station chaos, very bright atmosphere!
Overall, I am satisfied with the game. The balance of weapons necessary to rule and that is you know. :)
P.S. The grenade launcher is the best! ;)
Great patch from the Neocore team!
A few issues I have encountered since 1.5 dropped
1 - Grav gun currently has no sfx for any skills and is missing the vfx for the persistent skill just shows a blue/red/green x,y,z hitbox designation while the DOT plays out.
Overall the Grav gun is a great weapon but appears a quite over powered compared to the other heavy weapons, If that is its intention perhaps needs a longer cooldown between basic shots and the stronger skills.
2 - Dreadies now seem bugged intermittently on occasion returning to room spawn point and no longer aggro, constantly heal while just standing there unaware to the player presence.
3 - Recieved purple rare (lasgun) from mission award cache naturally equipped at typical pre-mission loadout as It was a vast improvement over current equip available, upon mission start loadout had reverted to previous with the purple rare now lost. I have changed loadouts pre mission a few time since the patch but this was the first instance items reverted and were lost.
Keep up the great work.
the game is still so ugly I wonder why,.
- melta gun and gravity weaponry VFX/SFX extremely inadequate or absent, for both shots and skills
- melta gun range and hitbox very strange
- in outdoor missions, elevation plays strange tricks (enemies can hit you through rock)
- in outdoor missions, sometimes invisible enemies attack you or animations are messed up (hitpoints still decrease)
- cover still extremely imprecise but more visible now
- maps lack strategic points
- music is truly terrible, especially load screen and menu one: what's the need to change it every time ESC is pressed?
- except the bolter, SFXs lack an "oomph" factor which I normally associate with 40k (this is just me I fear)
- loadscreens are boring: there's plenty of 40k lore to have almost a quote different for every day
- Plagueseer/warlock damage ability (the orange beam) appears to be disproportionately long in range and damaging
Great job , but the items that you replace on your inquisitor are still disappearing "
- Fixed the infamous item loss bug where players lost items from their Stash, Inventory or Character. Also we now have a better info source about similar issues, should they happen in the future."
The items are lost, only the deaful eq is still on my character. Lost some good things, even after update....
Well done guys, updates are really adding to the game and you're setting a high standard.
Couple of questions though,
Did you reset stats on certain items in peoples inventory's (due to them being from higher tier missions previously available) was this the cause of some of the inventory item problems this last week?
And was Tier 2 level missions not introduced this patch, i could have swore i saw that in the patch notes when i originally saw them but i don't see it now.
Praise the Mighty God-Emperor and Purge well in his name Brothers.
Here is a link for mobile users:
Praise the Emperor.
(I though that updating the machine spirit on fridays was considered heresy.... )<<<--------Nvm. just read the previous post about this
Bought the game yesterday, and I must say that I'm pleasantly hyped even if we're still on Early Alpha. Much much potential, keep it up!
They can be set via Steam in Game properties to add launch parameters to the game e.g. launch it on 1 thread instead of more, etc.
We were done with the patch on Thursday, tested it till now and released it.
Crash game now!
Warhammer_x64_11.exe, versione:, timestamp: 0x58b05c4a
Code exception: 0xc0000005
Id: b5320acd-fd5c-41cc-bcb4-5bd6b977b0f6
W10 - GTX 1080 - 16Gb Ram - I7 6700K - Motherboard Gigabyte Gaming 3
Set this current order state as My default.