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- to the devs/admins.
If anything mentioned is place-holder or limited due to budget/time restraints please read carefully, and take with a grain of salt.
We feel like the audio is a bit lacking. It doesn't give the presence or nuance of the 41st Millennium (not talking down the composers or sound team because what has been put in the game so far is well made, but please see previous sentence). We feel like we need something more orchestral, and something to suit the architecture of in-game locations.
--Music -- Something like the following...Main Hub/Titles/Hideout Music Ideas Dark Choir Music, Roman Choir Music, More Dark Choir, Dark Ambient, and Dark Ambient Horror. Combat/Action Music ideas Dark Music, Dark Heavy Music. These are some examples of what the two of us feel would bring a good atmospheric touch to your adaptation of the 41st Millennium, or even reach out to people on Soundcloud, and BandCamp, or any other music sites that have up and coming artists that make atmospheric music.
--Weapons-- We think the weapon sounds are exactly what they should be for said weapon systems.
--Enemies-- (provided with each enemy there will be sound clips from other games workshop games and other sources giving reference) We also think that some of the enemy sound effects should be a bit more "robust". (A few examples) Nurglings should sound more like nasty rotten children. Psychotic laughing/cackling, gurgling, and guttural squeals/cries (Voice Clip). Plaguebearers we think they should sound more bestial and guttural(Voice Clip First Sound Clip). Cultists should be more psychotic, schizophrenic, very manic and sycophantic like that of an addict who is going through withdrawals or a mental patient(Voice Clip). Chaos Marines and all variants should sound more hearty, impetuous, unyielding, narcissistic, and constantly screaming out in the name of their said god when in the presence of a enemy causing psychological damage(Voice Clip). Dreadnoughts should sound more mechanical with a deep demonic/robotic voice (Voice Clip). Chaos Sorcerers should be extremely egotistical, vain, and conceited (Voice Clip) the sound of the spells should reflect the sound of what spell is being cast. Of course there will be more enemies added, and we would love to give our input on them as they are added.
--General Audio-- When you open your HUD and are going through items there should be distinct sounds for every type of item. Like weapon systems would have the same type of sound...think metal thud. Purity Seals should sound like parchment being rustled. Implants should make a technological noise. That way you can tell what has dropped out in the world or what you are moving around within your inventory. Sounds could be in groups by weight or "heft". The ship needs to have more ambient/background noise like the echoing of walking around (the sound of the heft of your character is spot on but in a ship of this size there should be echos), the sounds of mechanical/electronic devices, the low rumble of the engines, the distant noises of conversations, and the creaking and moaning of the ship itself. Dialogue through the Inquisitor (The Player) like when you walk up to the Captain Ragna maybe the Inquisitor would say "Greetings Captain" and her reply being "Hello Inquisitor" or something to that effect to give the feeling of depth and a monologue, and the closing from the NPCs side would be some sort of emote of the Aquila or something simple like "The Emperor Protects". Lets say they add a Techpriest he should say something like "May the Omnissiah guide you" or "Hail the Omnissiah".
--DISCLAIMER/TO THE DEVS-- We love Warhammer 40k and anything to do with the lore. So we really want to see this game succeed in every way possible. Neocore you guys are on the road to making an amazing Warhammer Title. So we shall continue to make a input on things we find prudent and necessary. We would love the community and the developers to also give input on what has been said. We are MORE then willing to sit down, go through our codexs, warhammer rule books, warhammer table top books, and lore in general to dig up thing to substantiate what we think the 41st Millennium should look and feel like. If any of the developers find ANY of this information useful please inform us. We would love to continue this dialogue in other capacities later on in additional posts after we get a response from the Devs/Admis/Community. Like what we would like to see about the loot system, crafting, story, etc etc. We understand that you have the roadmap and things will be changing as time progresses so we may be stepping on your feet and if so please let us know, and we will not continue these type of discussions. Again we would as consumers and fans love to see an amazing 40k Title. Thanks and much love from Morgrosk and Masterchun.
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We were just wanting to get it out there, and are glad to hear things are in the works. That really peaks out interest for whats to come. I know we had some more ideas on other things, but didn't want it to seem like we were dogging anything. We know this is still in Alpha and that there are more things to come. We just were wondering if our input would be helpful or not.
Thanks again for the reply. We would of gotten back sooner, but there were some unforeseen things to happen.
First of all, thanks for the detailed and awesome feedback!
There is a lot more music being made by our awesome composer at the moment, so stay tuned for that!
Audio is also being added and updated constantly, hopefully towards the end of the founding it will be a brand new experience!
Really well thought out post! I completely agree about the audio. I'm assuming a lot of the music, etc is just placeholders at the moment. I think the audio for this game will be very important to create the feeling of the grimdark 40k universe. I really want things to sound visceral and robust. The music needs to feel gothic and epic.
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