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- Story line bug?
Story line bug?
Warhammer 40K Bug ReportSo on the first part of download the map for Martyr. Completed the mission, goes straight to load screen then back to the ship bridge. never get credit for completing it. First i had the difficulty set to 1 higher then normal. Did the mission twice that way. No credit. Put the difficulty to normal, still unable to get credit upon completion. Tried to submit a report in game, steam window comes up with log in screen, goes white and will crashes. Have to close out the game and restart to get back into it
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EDIT: they fixed the bug, at least for me. Others are reporting it fixed, too. Megapull did an awesome job of keeping folk up to date with progress over on the Steam forum thread about this issue (there are at least 3 which I saw, all being responded to)
According to the comments on this issue over on the 40KInquisitor subreddit, this is a "known bug" and "they're working on it" but I can find no Dev response to confirm this, or any indication of when this issue might be fixed. Until then, the game is essentially unplayable, as I'm just wanting to do the story until I level more, and multiplayer (co-op or PvP) are said to be awful right now. I'm not too upset about the state of multiplayer at the moment, but I'd like to see it fixed soon, as I want to give it a try later on down the line, but having the single player campaign bugged out like this too basically means this game cannot be played right now at all.
I would refund through Steam over this nonsense (I can forgive most bugs, and actually left a positive review of this game on Steam) but I've already played 11 hours, so no money back for me I guess...(don't really want a refund, just want to play the game)
Wish we could get some information or an ETA on a fix, as this has basically wasted one of my only "free days" to play this game.
I have the same problem.