The Data-Sanctum mission not completing


I am unable to progress past the Data-Sanctum mission, I have successfully defended omicron on both story and challenge difficulty but the campaign does not advance to the next mission.  I also do not receive any loot or experience for completing the mission.

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The Data-Sanctum mission not completing
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6 years 292 days ago
Same issue here.  I faild that Mission 3 Times. Than I do an other story mission, level up and try alfa data sanctum again. This time I finished that mission. After pushing the leave button I am back on the shipbridge without any xp, rewards and mission progress. Is there any workaround?
6 years 292 days ago


6 years 292 days ago
Self problem...  dont get XP, loot or something after complete this mission.
6 years 292 days ago
yes this bug affects my game and it is bumming me out also.
6 years 292 days ago
Same here... and considering I had to repeat the mission 3 times before managing to keep Omicron alive it was a MAJOR bummer when I saw it didn't give me the mission as complete :(
6 years 293 days ago
hello, same here.

 Account : TonTonUB.

bugs + unpolished bugs + damage sponge mobs = dev shooting themselves in the head. Blah.

6 years 293 days ago
Same issue this has been happening for 3 days i am getting tired of it 
6 years 293 days ago
Same issue dont get experience for recompleting Story cannot progress.