Stalwart Servant


Hello fellow Inquisitors, 

I've build the following characters:

-Lvl 56 Heavy Gunner Crusader 

-Lvl 60 Aether walker Psyker

-Lvl 43 Adept Dominus (DLC) 

Hours and hours of gameplay but I only did managed to do 10/25 side missions in Open World missions. I really wanna unlock the Suppression Skill Tree. I did saw a topic to quit missions until you've got a certain type of lvl we're a side mission always spawn. But that was before patch 2.0. Ive read they patched that. 

I did a lot of Open World missions yesterday and didn't find any side mission. It's annoying and boring. 

Does somebody have a tip or something? 


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Stalwart Servant
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4 years 240 days ago
Posted by Nestor980 4 years 240 days ago
I would try to spam a suitable Void Crusade. Their mission layout is always the same and so there are missions with guaranteed side missions and even relic chests. 
O man. I only did 2 Void Crusades. Don't find much Void Shards. What a grind. It's not fun any more. 

Couple days back I did managed to find 3 side missions pretty fast after each other. But it's terrible right now. Almost completed my 800 glory points for this week. Mostly Open world missions. 3 side mission on like 60-70 open world missions. 

Are there specific  Open World mission types where the spawn changes are higher? 

4 years 240 days ago
I would try to spam a suitable Void Crusade. Their mission layout is always the same and so there are missions with guaranteed side missions and even relic chests.