Phasing assault does melee but description is tagged ranged


I forget what ability it is that gives me 50% damage to melee (after doing ranged?) but phasing assault seems to use it. Not going to argue that it shouldn't but nothing in the tooltip on the weapon ability suggests it does, or also does melee... it's "tagged" long range, and I don't think it does ranged at all but not sure.

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Phasing assault does melee but description is tagged ranged
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6 years 117 days ago
Yeah, the tags don't really seem to mean anything so far as I can tell. Almost all of the aoe assassin and crusader skills (Serpent strike, annulment, etc.) are tagged as ranged but count as melee. I think it's tied to the weapon type (i.e. melee weapons get melee buffs) regardless of what the tagged description says.