Official season 1 patch feedback thread


Thought I'd make this thread so that the devs can have a good, single source of feedback.
I've been harsh in the past, but that's only cause I want this game to get better.
I await the patch notes, and go from there.

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Official season 1 patch feedback thread
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4 years 258 days ago

I just tried a 99%'s way "harder" in the sense that the enemies are 10x the meat shields they once were.
The rewards are just as terrible as they were before, though.
I'm uninstalling for the second time in two days...but this time, it's final (hopefully I don't get suckered into coming back, only to be disappointed once again).

This comment was edited 4 years 258 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 258 days ago
Posted by treecargarage 4 years 258 days ago
8 second cooldown instead of 3 second.

Although most of my build was nerfed, I still feel as strong as before. I will have to see once I do a +14.
As for other hidden nerfs, I haven't seen any yet.

Sorry, instead of 2 (not 3).

This comment was edited 4 years 258 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 258 days ago
Posted by BYCROM 4 years 258 days ago
What is the nerf on the  inv morality armor exactly  that you mention? I mean how long is the CD? I did not spot it in the patch notes. Are there more hidden nerfs?
8 second cooldown instead of 3 second.

Although most of my build was nerfed, I still feel as strong as before. I will have to see once I do a +14.
As for other hidden nerfs, I haven't seen any yet.

4 years 258 days ago
Posted by AuretiousTaak 4 years 258 days ago
The amount of people whinging instead of adapting and enjoying the game is crazy.

First up - triple shot on physical weapons didn't get nerfed, it got modified. You can get crit chance throuygh the roof easily anyway, digital weapons, and crit chance per enrage or berserk token are ways to do this. It's really very easy to adapt a single piece of gear to have 3% crit chance per enraged token and suddenly you have your 30% crit chance back. On the flip side, the psalm doctrine got a flat 150% damage bonus. many intel missions and some tarot card missions do not allow crit hits anyways, so really the doctrine got buffed in a significantly stronger manner because when you do hit those crits, again, 150% extra damage. It's a strong change that you have to work around only slightly.

Augmented Body 2 - it's not the end of the world. You never needed it to play any of the builds except teh broken ones anyways, you could still do +10 or higher missions without using augmented body 2, but no one seems tow ant to think or adapt their gameplay. Inquisitor Martyr IS NOT Diablo 3, it never was, It has a complex cover system that needs to be used some times and kiting is also a thing. You're meant to think not be able to run in weapons swinging or blazing, murder everything and not break a sweat, that's what D3 is, Martyr has never been promoted like that though there are builds that allow you to do that even without augmented body 2. Adapt to the change, it isn't going to kill you all to use your brains.

I love the addition of +experience percentage, +loot quality and +loot quantity. These 3 enchant abilities make you carefully look at all the gear you are looting rather then just mass scrapping or selling it. You really have a number of choices you need to make on gear now, but you've certainly gone and wiped out the slow levelling mechanic, so bravo there. But the loot quality and quantity is also noticeable ingame and that is a positive. I really enjoyed today as a result.

Thje labelling of the ancient relic items is awesome, it does exactly what you set out for it to do - let people know what the augments/enchants are likely going to be and then if you don't want to spend the time unlocking those perks then you can not waste the time. I found a level 34 ancient relic suit of sentinel armour, armour of sanctity. I knew what thatw as thanks to nons easonal characters and decided to instead of grinding away to instead use some green mastercrafted demolitiona rmour that had a flat +15% experience on it instead. This balance of labelled ancients as well as other enchants such as loot or experience gain really is allowing for a smoother game play experience with difficult choices. So well done, neocore.

Thus far, I am enjoying the season and the patch changes. Still alot to see and explore and endgame needs a thoroughw orking through as well, but so far, so good.

I wasn't going to post anymore, seeing as how I uninstalled yesterday, but then had a change of heart and decided to give the game another chance. And then I saw your post.

  • old 3-shot subtracted 50% damage, it didn't reduce your damage by 50%. So you were basically doing triple damage. The -30% crit def IS a nerf. Also, the crit cap is 50%. It goes to 80%+ with Digital Weapons, but they have made it so that your character sheet crit chance still shows the pre-minus 30% value when using the 3-shot doctrine. Why would they do this? Perhaps they don't have time to fix this bug yet...OR, perhaps they are leaving it the way it is because this way, you CANNOT get your old crit chance % back, because you have no leeway. For example, I am at 45% or so crit chance right now. That amount is actually 15% with the new 3-shot doctrine, but I cannot go past 50% (without digital weapons). So even if I have a +4% crit chance per enrage token eye implant, I will hit the 50% wall (which is actually 20%), and then add the 30% and the extra few percent from the crit chance/strength rune and get to around 80% on PAPER. But that amount will only be 50% (because of the hidden 3-shot nerf). So you're still at -30%. I may be wrong about this, but don't be so quick to make statements when your knowledge of the game seems superficial at best.
  • I went without AB2 for a long time, but I ended up using it NOT because you can't survive without it, BUT because when you do get drained instantly by certain enemies/attacks, you're screwed. It's very hard to recover. So, in the end, it's worth using it. Also, it hurt the people who were running it + the 6-pslam doctrine that subtracted 50% of damage taken from suppression.
  • D3 is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY harder than Martyr. You have no clue what you are talking about. There is nothing tactical about Martyr. It requires no thinking. Especially if you're a high level player. High-level D3 rifts, on the other hand, especially at the highest level (read: 4-man groups), require a lot of skill. I was playing D3 for a few days (before I uninstalled it because I don't want to waste that much time grinding), and the decision making skill and reaction time needed to beat GRs is just not present in Martyr.
  • I don't see any increase in loot quality. I unlocked 2-3 ancients, and my old gear (which, granted, is perfect and highly optimized) is better. That's pretty bad, considering the new ancients are supposed to be the best items.
  • Overall, the game is same as before. Sorely lacking the things that make an ARPG good. D3 is better. And D3 is no masterpiece.
4 years 258 days ago
The amount of people whinging instead of adapting and enjoying the game is crazy.

First up - triple shot on physical weapons didn't get nerfed, it got modified. You can get crit chance throuygh the roof easily anyway, digital weapons, and crit chance per enrage or berserk token are ways to do this. It's really very easy to adapt a single piece of gear to have 3% crit chance per enraged token and suddenly you have your 30% crit chance back. On the flip side, the psalm doctrine got a flat 150% damage bonus. many intel missions and some tarot card missions do not allow crit hits anyways, so really the doctrine got buffed in a significantly stronger manner because when you do hit those crits, again, 150% extra damage. It's a strong change that you have to work around only slightly.

Augmented Body 2 - it's not the end of the world. You never needed it to play any of the builds except teh broken ones anyways, you could still do +10 or higher missions without using augmented body 2, but no one seems tow ant to think or adapt their gameplay. Inquisitor Martyr IS NOT Diablo 3, it never was, It has a complex cover system that needs to be used some times and kiting is also a thing. You're meant to think not be able to run in weapons swinging or blazing, murder everything and not break a sweat, that's what D3 is, Martyr has never been promoted like that though there are builds that allow you to do that even without augmented body 2. Adapt to the change, it isn't going to kill you all to use your brains.

I love the addition of +experience percentage, +loot quality and +loot quantity. These 3 enchant abilities make you carefully look at all the gear you are looting rather then just mass scrapping or selling it. You really have a number of choices you need to make on gear now, but you've certainly gone and wiped out the slow levelling mechanic, so bravo there. But the loot quality and quantity is also noticeable ingame and that is a positive. I really enjoyed today as a result.

Thje labelling of the ancient relic items is awesome, it does exactly what you set out for it to do - let people know what the augments/enchants are likely going to be and then if you don't want to spend the time unlocking those perks then you can not waste the time. I found a level 34 ancient relic suit of sentinel armour, armour of sanctity. I knew what thatw as thanks to nons easonal characters and decided to instead of grinding away to instead use some green mastercrafted demolitiona rmour that had a flat +15% experience on it instead. This balance of labelled ancients as well as other enchants such as loot or experience gain really is allowing for a smoother game play experience with difficult choices. So well done, neocore.

Thus far, I am enjoying the season and the patch changes. Still alot to see and explore and endgame needs a thoroughw orking through as well, but so far, so good.

4 years 258 days ago
for the op build like permanet invulnerability, i have heard, but i also heard that attempt

some time have bug that make charater suddenly died.

that is the only thing i had heard, not sure what else could be.

the reason for it become must pick, is because the useless engergy shield 

and serious suppresion damage problem in late game.  those thing had their

change in this update, probably need time to observe its performance.

same with the new suppresion damage reduction enchant.

as long as players have more reasonable method to handle the suppression

issues(not some thing like hide in cover, which is useless for many weapon and map), 

such nerf will be a adjust  for mechanic rather crash of certain non-op build. 

4 years 258 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 258 days ago

Some thoughts on why the Augmented Body 2 perk got nerfed:

1: it was the base of some completely broken builds, with literal permanent invulnerability on the list
2: thus it was a must pick, it's popularity way higher than even the second most picked perk
3: with reevaluating the defensive layers it was mandatory to get it more in-line with the rest of the effects.

We know it's painful, and feels like a huge nerf, but it was necessary. Naturally we will monitor its usage stats and give back some of its former glory if the need arises.

I doubt anyone is using it at all now.

I imagine the other top pick was Diversive Tactics, which with all vulnerability stacks counting as 1 debuff is also useless.

4 years 258 days ago

Some thoughts on why the Augmented Body 2 perk got nerfed:

1: it was the base of some completely broken builds, with literal permanent invulnerability on the list
2: thus it was a must pick, it's popularity way higher than even the second most picked perk
3: with reevaluating the defensive layers it was mandatory to get it more in-line with the rest of the effects.

We know it's painful, and feels like a huge nerf, but it was necessary. Naturally we will monitor its usage stats and give back some of its former glory if the need arises.

4 years 258 days ago
Posted by treecargarage 4 years 259 days ago
So crit got nerfed

Invuln. morality armor cooldown got nerfed.
I'm guessing 3-shot doctrine got nerfed.
AB2 got nerfed.
Missile launcher probably got nerfed.

What is the nerf on the  inv morality armor exactly  that you mention? I mean how long is the CD? I did not spot it in the patch notes. Are there more hidden nerfs?
4 years 258 days ago

i can see this season and balance change is encourage people

use heat weapon, but this is the issue:

heat weapon suck, it easily over heat as long as your skill

produce more than 1 heat per second, especially on plasma

cannon. if you can not wipe out enemy with last skill, the basic

shot and fast shot will face serious problem on regular and 

group enemy.  this is even worse on melta, which have very bad

survive ability and very poor performance vs group enemy.

even heavy flamer able to solve such issues, it have 0 armor penetrate,

make it completely fall hard in level 70+  red difficult mission.

the laser gun have same problem with auto gun,

aim skill is not worth to invest, due to its heat cost and slow active

the barage is good, but it kind make rapid and single shot useless,

while it have negative side for high heat cost.

swap weapon? that is even more stupid compare with a good gear

set melee or tech character, especially the extra grinding is costly

since we only have mostly 6 enchante slot, it is stupid to

give more than 2 skill boost rather than focus 1 skill

(flamer could be exception, since non-channel skill is too costly to use

frequently, while channel skill have no benefit from skill cooldown)

i kind want make a bolter/heavy bolter crusader for this season,

but that triple shot nerf is way too heavy and unreasonable,

make bullet weapon kind useless in late game without that

copy from my post under update  news

4 years 258 days ago
So what are there for the players how don't want to start a new char and are in the end game? It's not that much :/ 
4 years 259 days ago

I'm not feeling a big change with the Inferno effects - it's making very little difference to gameplay.

I'd also forgotten just how much there is to unlock again with the Tech Priest etc.   Maybe for future seasons he could be at least partially unlocked as the season is going to be grindy enough anyway.

The Season objectives also seem rather unbalanced.  I'm pretty sure I'll hit level 40 (tier 2 objective) long before I'm fully equipping artificer items or crafting stuff from tier 1 for example.

Oh and thanks for making me do the stupid Tech Priest defence missions again.  Not.

This comment was edited 4 years 259 days ago by Ditchboy
4 years 259 days ago

Well, I've played a bit, and I've unlocked a few old items are def better.

Also, I don't even feel like attempting to find these 120 diff. enemies, as it seems there is no point...(read: no loot to chase).
Finally, the 3-shot doctrine still shows the same old description, and my crit chance isn't being reduced by 30.
Overall, I'm feeling the same as before. Don't feel any great urge to play. I'm probably going to uninstall (same goes for D3).

This comment was edited 4 years 259 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 259 days ago
So far, the new ancients aren't better than my current items...hopefully, the main enchant is a game changer...

Also, despite liking some of the new stuff, the same old problems still exist.
So, if I had to guess, I'd say after the initial "cool" reaction to certain new things or certain big changes, the game would regress to its same old boring state.

4 years 259 days ago
Agreed, this is much better
4 years 259 days ago
At first, I was disappointed, but when you add up all the small things (and some of the big things), I can say I'm pleased (so far)...I may even try out the season.

I will update this thread the more I play...

4 years 259 days ago
New character creation screen is MUCH better. Good job.
4 years 259 days ago

Best things so far:
1) new ancients
2) fate sink (vendor)

4 years 259 days ago
I am looking forward to the new ancients, tho...that is actually something to grind for. The fact that you know what you're grinding for also helps. AND, now we have a reason to buy those alpha packs or w/e they're called, since the 500 fate ones include a guaranteed ancient.
4 years 259 days ago
Posted by Ditchboy 4 years 259 days ago
Crusaders really got a slapping from these changes.  Practically a 50% damage reduction drop on armour, best defensive psalm doctrine trashed due to Augmented Body 2 change.

3-shot doctrine looks like a heavy nerf too which is a shame as it was one of the few ways of dealing with the annoying reflect damage missions when on an automatic gun.

Debuff demolishing also hurts the main source of endgame damage too and I think it makes Diversive Tactics useless.

The funny thing is, my 3-shot still seems to work LOL

I think it will only change to the -30% crit version when I reinsert the runes, which I'm not going to do haha

4 years 259 days ago
Crusaders really got a slapping from these changes.  Practically a 50% damage reduction drop on armour, best defensive psalm doctrine trashed due to Augmented Body 2 change.

3-shot doctrine looks like a heavy nerf too which is a shame as it was one of the few ways of dealing with the annoying reflect damage missions when on an automatic gun.

Debuff demolishing also hurts the main source of endgame damage too and I think it makes Diversive Tactics useless.

4 years 259 days ago
There are enough changes (good and bad) to make the game interesting again. I am looking forward to the 120 difficulty enemies...
4 years 259 days ago

Debuffs got absolutely demolished LOL
"From now on Vulnerability stacks count as a single Debuff/ stack"

and yes, 3-shot got nerfed, but this isn't a surprise:
"Triple shot psalm doctrine now gives -30% crit chance instead of -50% damage bonus"

This comment was edited 4 years 259 days ago by treecargarage
4 years 259 days ago
So crit got nerfed

Invuln. morality armor cooldown got nerfed.
I'm guessing 3-shot doctrine got nerfed.
AB2 got nerfed.
Missile launcher probably got nerfed.