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- Not having fun 90% of the time.
That remaining 10% is when I have found a group in matchmaking, we actually load into the game with no issues, and we can complete the mission.
Other than that, there are major balance issues that are making the (group) play experience, not fun. It is important to me for these elements to be fixed, because I am only tolerating the single player. Id much rather play in a group, and will spend the majority of my time trying to do that. With that said:
I understand there is supposed to be some difficulty with certain enemy types, but there should also be some equivalent exchange of gun fire and knife fights that make sense.
Fighting a Lemen Russ makes no sense, their damage output is too high, their (and several other enemy types) health regen too robust. The imbalance makes for a negative experience.
Fighting Orgyns is a drag. One is tough as it is. Fighting more than 2 with shotguns kills the experience. Fighting them with mobs aggroed and I just quit the session.
Fighting mobs period is a coin toss. Not totally a bad thing, but for the amount of time it takes to connect to a group, the 3 death limit, and the fact that as much as I like this game, I have no qualms with putting it a way for a while makes facing Martyrs challenges, a challenge in of it self.
Improvements have been made, but there are still some basic, core elements that must be fixed. A lot of quality of life improvements, and a LOT of fine tuning on engagement varieties.
Again. I don't mind hard/ difficult... Just don't waste my time.
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how about effects that come from slamming a shield? Is that a melee or a physical attack or both or neither?
The system itself is quite precise in what you can do but there's no definitions of what each item acts like.
Really doesn't matter though as the game itself is like a real rough beta build. there's so much missing form the game and to many bugs and errors to even list.
"-Gear diversity vs build diversity. I just don't see either of it. If it is green, I assume it is better. No room for experimentation or grey area thinking. "
I don't see how you can possibly arrive at that conclusion. The green quality value simply means that it's got a higher rating. However, if I'm a Psyker who uses ranged attacks, I'd be an idiot to swap out an item that does +Ranged Damage for one that does +Melee Damage, even if it's +10 quality. If you're equipping any random piece just because its rating is higher that might be why you're having so much trouble killing things.
I understand Inquisitor Martyr is trying to be different in being more tactical, but that is not to say other games don't have mechanics and designs that are good to adopt.
My main concerns are:
-Stats and ability explanations. If this game is different from others, then the language needs to be explained as to how stats are applied and organized.
-Gear diversity vs build diversity. I just don't see either of it. If it is green, I assume it is better. No room for experimentation or grey area thinking.
-Instanced missions breaking up coop groups. The immersion is already broken when the mission ends. Dont break up the coop group too.
The game continues to get better. I just want this title to be a threat to more established big box games out there. WH40K deserves it.
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