New update has made game unplayable on xbox


Hey all,

Thanks for the update, good to see a few things being ironed out.

Unfortunately for me and many other xbox one players the update has rendered the game extremely unenjoyable to the point of being unplayable. We have noticed that there is a small wait window in between each ability that has been added which ultimately has turned the game into a clunky mess. Now when playing I have to wait to cast each ability individually rather than running up to a pack and doing my 4 spell combo and waiting for them all to cast before moving on. This is not an issue with cooldown times, for example I used to be able to cast all abilities at once and they would activate in order one after the other. Now if I press A, RB, Y, and B one after the other before my A ability has cast, none of the other abilities will cast. As I have mentioned, this has made the game completely unplayable for me and many other xbox one players and we would like to get this reverted or we will simply refund the game.


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New update has made game unplayable on xbox
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6 years 163 days ago
Please send in a ticket explaining this because now that I think about it, its essentially a way to hotfix the autotargetting system without actually fixing it. Fucking lazy, im so mad because I really enjoyed this game up until the last patch even though there are so many issues, because at least the gameplay was fun. They need to enable movement during attacks and get rid of the small delay between casting abilities or theyll lose their whole playerbase in a week.
6 years 163 days ago
YES this, I hadnt even realised this was another thing until you mentioned it, has completely ruined the gameplay, dont understand why they would focus on shit like this rather than fixing existing problems. I'm taking this back next Wednesday as the game is absolute garbage now.
6 years 163 days ago
Same issue here. You also can't move when casting an ability which really hinders the speed of play. Upon early release it was like this, almost seems like something was reverted.