[XB1] Ability Casting Issues; Can no longer move and attack and can't effectively combo


As someone has stated before, with the latest update, moving and attacking is now gone. Instead, you're immobile when casting abilities which greatly slows down gameplay, and you can only cast one ability at a time, requiring you to wait for the full cool down and animation to finish.

Not sure if this is by design, but pre patch the game was much smoother without the clunky casting mechanics.

This post was edited 6 years 163 days ago by alecjd
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6 years 163 days ago
Perfectly said, I've been posting and sending messages to them all day about this, gameplay has gone from 8-9/10 to a solid 2. Game has become so clunky that its unplayable and each class has essentially had their dps lowered to a fraction of its previous point due to movement and speed reductions across all gameplay, community will leave this already flawed game in a heart beat if its not reverted asap.