Multiplayer on PS4


Hi everyone,

I'm desperately trying to join a multiplayer session on PS4. I have access to the co-op window and I can see 4 recruitments available (the same since I've started to play 3 weeks ago). I can join one of them and I can see that the group is full (4 people).

Now what? What am I supposed to do? Waiting for the group leader to launch a mission? Because I've been waiting a lot and nothing happened. I even cannot play in the meantime as only the group leader can launch missions. Is it working? Do I have to perform an action from my side?

Thanks for your help,


This post was edited 3 years 261 days ago by malamioute
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Multiplayer on PS4
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3 years 260 days ago
We checked on the Recruitment feature on PS4 and it seems that a few lobbies got stuck there. We will delete them to avoid any further confusion. Thanks for reporting the problem to us!