Midweek Madness:

Inquisitor - Martyr (25% off!)



Just a quick reminder: you can get Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr for a cheaper price this week on Steam! If you still don't own the game, now is the chance: 25% off for a couple of days.

Enter the Chaos-infested Caligari Sector and purge the unclean with the most powerful agents of the Imperium of Man! W40k: Inquisitor – Martyr is a grim Action-RPG featuring multiple classes of the Inquisition who will carry out the Emperor’s will.

The Action-RPG has recently also received its first free Season update as well, titled Drukhari, which adds new Dark Eldar units and a new campaign as well, all included now in the base game.

Get it here now!

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Midweek Madness: Inquisitor - Martyr (25% off!)
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6 years 237 days ago
return this to early access and put the price tag somewhere more appropriate -.-
6 years 237 days ago

Return sales in Ukraine. just cant connect

6 years 239 days ago

Return sales in Russia.