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- Season 1: Drukhari
The first Season, a brand new free content update for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr is here, and it's titled Drukhari. In other words, it features a new Dark Eldar enemy faction, and a new campaign with a series of investigations.
Watch the trailer here:
An ancient, alien menace has surfaced in the Caligari Sector. Cutoff from the rest of the Imperium by fierce Warpsurges, the Triglav Subsector has been plagued by the Drukhari – or as they are known, the Dark Eldar – for decades, and now the time has come to purge the Xenos menace from these defenceless worlds once and for all.
The Dark Eldar are cruel, terrifying and sadistic raiders who descend upon their prey to feed their unholy appetites. They revel in torture, piracy, enslavement and torture. They are ancient, intelligent and learned how to stave off the slow death of their souls – they are amongst the most twisted enemies the agents of the Inquisition can face in battle.
Season One: Drukhari introduces a new enemy faction to Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr, the Dark Eldar. Prepare to meet Wracks, Talos and Cronos Pain Engines, Incubi and many more – from the Kabalite Warriors to the beautiful and deadly Succubi, to the wizened Haemonculi, the insane flesh-sculptors, the new enemies are all ruthless, dangerous and utterly alien.
The Season includes a campaign which incorporates three brand new investigations with new non-player characters and a stand-alone story that will flesh out the workings of the Drukhari. The investigation begins with the pacification of the Triglav Subsector and an abandoned system shrouded in mysterious silence, sheds light on the unholy machinations of the Dark Eldar and their penchant for using corrupted Imperial forces and decadent Governors as their puppets and it will culminate in a violent skirmish with the true masters of pain from the Dark City of Commorragh.
List of new features
- New Inquisitorial Rank Cap: 70
- New Item Level Cap: 60
- Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of campaign maps
- Adjustment from (200+PR)*2 to (200+PR)*3
- Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of random maps
- Adjustment from (500+PR/2)*Difficulty to (500+PR)*Difficulty
- The Triglav Subsector is now open for Inquisitors!
- Minimum Mission Power Rating: 1100
- New Enemy Faction: Drukhari Dark Eldar
- New Investigations available
- New Perks available (Rank-based)
- 5 New Tarot Cards available, unlockable by System Influence
Sounds good? Here's something better: it is here today. Full patch log here.
A maintenance will take place at 6PM CET and by 7PM CET, the update will be available for everyone, for free.
If you don't own the game yet, now is to time to get it with 25% off in Midweek Madness!
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It has been made official that the Season1 will come out in November on console! The exact date is yet to be made public!
My hope was to see Season#1 sooner, that really is .. later ^^
Thx for the info!
Best regards.
I am planning to give up this game.
I am very disappointed with the update plan.
Updated in November!!?????
PC and PS4 updates are not consistent
You should think hard about what is good for the player.
Best blessing
It has been made official that the Season1 will come out in November on console! The exact date is yet to be made public!
Seriously though enjoying the game just wanting more story content!
The exact date is not yet public but we will announce it naturally later on. We wold like to ask your kind patience until then!
I also wanna know Any news of when the dark eldar content will be released on consoles?
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On the upside, the XP bonus is a needed change, the scaling fate bonus is good (not great), and all in all this whole thing feels like a waste of time. I seriously think a lot of the broken mechanics of the game needed to be addressed before rolling out more content like this.
On the upside, the XP bonus is a needed change, the scaling fate bonus is good (not great), and all in all this whole thing feels like a waste of time. I seriously think a lot of the broken mechanics of the game needed to be addressed before rolling out more content like this.
Wow - the Drukhari are so evil - that they revel in torture, piracy, enslavement and torture. As if one lot of torture is not enough!!
(seriously - looking forward to playing the new content - thanks to all at Neocore for the hard work!).
New enemies, investigations, increased XP. Great !
I like it !
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