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- Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch Notes for Season 1 Update v1.1.0 - July 31
Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr will be released. The updates will be applied automatically after the scheduled maintenance starting at 6PM CEST, and when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. Please also note that during maintenance, players will be unable to login.
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New Features
- New Inquisitorial Rank Cap: 70
- New Item Level Cap: 60
- Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of campaign maps
- Adjustment from (200+PR)*2 to (200+PR)*3
- Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of random maps
- Adjustment from (500+PR/2)*Difficulty to (500+PR)*Difficulty
- The Triglav Subsector is now open for Inquisitors! Players need to talk to Ragna on the Command bridge to start the Investigation that allows entry.
- Minimum Mission Power Rating: 1100
- New Enemy Faction: Drukhari Dark Eldar
- New Investigations available
- 6 difficulty settings for Campaign Missions available
- New Perks available (Rank-based)
- 5 New Tarot Cards available, unlockable by System Influence
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed a bug with Modify where the PR of characters remained unchanged serverside
- Fixed a bug where switching from the appearance panel, items were grayed out
- Nurgle banners now disappear when their summoner is killed
- Fixed a bug where Security Doors were untargetable via controller
- Fixed the Survival Doctrine Warzone Skill
- Fixed an unknown clue in Chapter 4 - Uther's Tomb (not retroactive)
- Fixed a bug with Modify where the enchant rows were shifted
- Fixed the tooltip of There is Only War
- Fixed the icon and tooltip of the Deflector buff
- Fixed the tooltip of No Remorse
- Controller bugfixes on the crafting pages
- Fixed an exploit with the Tithe Collector Heroic Deed (it counted Credits received by mail)
- Fixed the Adaptive Disposition Heroic Deed
- Fixed the Custodian of the Lore Heroic Deed
- Fixed the Psychic Might Heroic Deed
- Fixed the Ultimate Focus Heroic Deed
- Fixed the Champion of the Emperor Heroic Deed
- Fixed buff display for Evasive Bionics
- Fixed buff display for Red Thirst
- Empyrean Armor's duration is now properly depleted by channeled skills
Extermination beams now follow enemies - Fixed display for the "Hits Deal a Toxin Mark" effect
- Fixed a typo in the "AoE damage on Kill" enchant - AoE occurs on kill, not on hit as the tooltip stated
- Fixed Concussive Trauma mechanism and added display for it under the enemy HP bar
- Numerous map fixes
- Localization fixes
- Fixed Warzone Hazards not working
- Fixed a bug where insta-killed enemies became invisible instead of dying in the Warzone
- Fixed a bug where displayed PR occassionally showed other party members' PR
- Players can now only accept missions if everyone is eligible
- Fixed displayed HP values
- Fusion has been changed: A fresh Relic item will now show 0% in the Fusion panel, unlocking its first new enchant at 50% and the second one at 100% Fusion level. The maximum Power Rating of a relic item will be based on item level, e.g. a level 30 Relic will have a lower PR than a level 40 one.
- Tarot has been changed: Spawning a Tarot mission will now instantly begin the mission instead of spawning it somewhere on the Starmap, allowing for a larger variety of Tarot missions.
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Note: This was my assumption based on the fact that in general fluff Radicals are far more likely to use xeno artifacts than daemon possessed arms & not based on anything Neocore have said.
But it seems now a content version error has occured after starting the game.
Not sure because game is still down or a nasty "never play on patch day" error
But it seems now a content version error has occured after starting the game.
Not sure because game is still down or a nasty "never play on patch day" error
Set this current order state as My default.