Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch Notes for Season 1 Update v1.1.0 - July 31


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr will be released. The updates will be applied automatically after the scheduled maintenance starting at 6PM CEST, and when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. Please also note that during maintenance, players will be unable to login.

Read our Community Article here!

New Features

  • New Inquisitorial Rank Cap: 70
  • New Item Level Cap: 60
  • Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of campaign maps
    • Adjustment from (200+PR)*2 to (200+PR)*3
  • Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of random maps
    • Adjustment from (500+PR/2)*Difficulty to (500+PR)*Difficulty
  • The Triglav Subsector is now open for Inquisitors! Players need to talk to Ragna on the Command bridge to start the Investigation that allows entry.
  • Minimum Mission Power Rating: 1100
  • New Enemy Faction: Drukhari Dark Eldar
  • New Investigations available
    • 6 difficulty settings for Campaign Missions available
  • New Perks available (Rank-based)
  • 5 New Tarot Cards available, unlockable by System Influence

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a bug with Modify where the PR of characters remained unchanged serverside
  • Fixed a bug where switching from the appearance panel, items were grayed out
  • Nurgle banners now disappear when their summoner is killed
  • Fixed a bug where Security Doors were untargetable via controller
  • Fixed the Survival Doctrine Warzone Skill
  • Fixed an unknown clue in Chapter 4 - Uther's Tomb (not retroactive)
  • Fixed a bug with Modify where the enchant rows were shifted
  • Fixed the tooltip of There is Only War
  • Fixed the icon and tooltip of the Deflector buff
  • Fixed the tooltip of No Remorse
  • Controller bugfixes on the crafting pages
  • Fixed an exploit with the Tithe Collector Heroic Deed (it counted Credits received by mail)
  • Fixed the Adaptive Disposition Heroic Deed
  • Fixed the Custodian of the Lore Heroic Deed
  • Fixed the Psychic Might Heroic Deed
  • Fixed the Ultimate Focus Heroic Deed
  • Fixed the Champion of the Emperor Heroic Deed
  • Fixed buff display for Evasive Bionics
  • Fixed buff display for Red Thirst
  • Empyrean Armor's duration is now properly depleted by channeled skills
    Extermination beams now follow enemies
  • Fixed display for the "Hits Deal a Toxin Mark" effect
  • Fixed a typo in the "AoE damage on Kill" enchant - AoE occurs on kill, not on hit as the tooltip stated
  • Fixed Concussive Trauma mechanism and added display for it under the enemy HP bar
  • Numerous map fixes
  • Localization fixes


  • Fixed Warzone Hazards not working
  • Fixed a bug where insta-killed enemies became invisible instead of dying in the Warzone 
  • Fixed a bug where displayed PR occassionally showed other party members' PR
  • Players can now only accept missions if everyone is eligible
  • Fixed displayed HP values


  • Fusion has been changed: A fresh Relic item will now show 0% in the Fusion panel, unlocking its first new enchant at 50% and the second one at 100% Fusion level. The maximum Power Rating of a relic item will be based on item level, e.g. a level 30 Relic will have a lower PR than a level 40 one.
  • Tarot has been changed: Spawning a Tarot mission will now instantly begin the mission instead of spawning it somewhere on the Starmap, allowing for a larger variety of Tarot missions.
This post was modified 6 years 219 days ago by Jim Fox
Store Page
6 years 207 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 240 days ago
It is because after every game update you need to restart Steam because it sometimes does not recognize further updates.
Are you aware of the outrage of your paying console customers which you advertised for or not. I see zero responsiveness? Where is the fully destructible environment or dismembermemnts as shown in the game trailer for consoles (hilarious, is it not?). Now the features are not even there. Are they going to be added in a  patch or did you deliberately misled your customers. I and many other customers have aked this questios and you simply choose to ignore all of it, but happily take our money. Diablo 3 (console version) can do it on my Xbox One X so dont tell me its a performance/hardware related issue. It is outrageous how you completely disregard your console customers. Or are the forums just for show?
6 years 208 days ago
Is it just me or is all console concerned just being completely ignored?  Had I known this I wouldn’t have bought the game.  
6 years 208 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 240 days ago
It is because after every game update you need to restart Steam because it sometimes does not recognize further updates.
Is there any intention to add destructible environments and dismemberments to consoles with the next patch? So far the devs have completely ignored all inquiries, leaving an outraged console community behind as both features you even showcased prior to the release are now suddenly missing in the finall release. Even Diablo 3 offers at least partially destructible environments and flying limbs with realistic animations in the console version (at a higher resolution and with a smoother framerate as well I might add). You won't tell me this is not possible when even a game released 5/6 years ago is capable of showing that level of detail on consoles. 

Yet even on Xbox One X the only "destructible environment" I have seen was after smashing a barricade for a half a minute before it simply disintegrated. I paid 79,99€ for the Imperium Edition so I believe I - and all your Console customers - deserve at least an answer instead of complete radio silence. At least I have not seen a single dev reply to the various threads addressing these issues on consoles. If I had known you would castrate the console version while showcasing them prior release  I most certainly  would not have spent 80 Euros on your game. Is a patch in the working or not? This is a simple yes or no question. If not I will press for a refund, because in that event this is not the game I paid for -not to mention that this would mean you  deliberately mislead your customers  - bad buiness practice on my book
6 years 240 days ago
Will Radical Inquisitors have access to any new Eldar weapons? I went Radical for RP reasons, I wouldn't touch anything Daemon related that's generally Malleus territory & maybe to a lesser extent Hereticus but rarely if ever Xenos (I couldn't find an instance of any Xenos Inquisitor using such items but I don't have every source book/ novel so I wont rule it out). So finally getting an Alien race has been the biggest benchmark the game has had for me so far (it being my old TT race is double win!).

Note: This was my assumption based on the fact that in general fluff Radicals are far more likely to use xeno artifacts than daemon possessed arms & not based on anything Neocore have said.

6 years 240 days ago
Question: Is the Season Story Related to the Martyr Campaign? I'm asking, because there are no Story Achievements (which i would expect if Season 1 is Story related) and i have no time until next week to find this out by myself.
6 years 240 days ago
Posted by Camato 6 years 240 days ago
need faster harddrives, game still loads not fast enough. 

But it seems now a content version error has occured after starting the game.

Not sure because game is still down or a nasty "never play on patch day" error

It is because after every game update you need to restart Steam because it sometimes does not recognize further updates.
6 years 240 days ago
need faster harddrives, game still loads not fast enough. 

But it seems now a content version error has occured after starting the game.

Not sure because game is still down or a nasty "never play on patch day" error

6 years 240 days ago
sounds great , keep it up