King Arthur: Knight's Tale -

Hero Spotlight: Mordred



Our dark fantasy tactical RPG, King Arthur: Knight's Tale will be released next month on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S! We already have a detailed FAQ on what to expect, so make sure to read that to prepare for the big day on February 22. 

Newcomers might ask: what is the game about and who is the protagonist? 

If you are familiar with the Arthurian myth, you might already know that Arthur and Mordred were mortal enemies and they have both perished at the battle of Camlann. Knight's Tale picks up the story from there - Arthur is taken to Avalon where the mad thoughts of his undead mind transform the island into a dark mirror image of Britannia. Camelot is in ruins, waiting to be rebuilt.

The Lady of the Lake choses Mordred to take up arms and defeat Arthur or whatever he has become.

Sir Mordred had a reputation of a dread knight, a ruthless, grim warrior in pursuit of the throne of Britannia. His slide into the role of Arthur’s nemesis was gradual, though, as his growing conflicts with the King eventually made him the leader of the army set out to conquer Camelot, earning him the title of traitor on behalf of his fellow knights who remained faithful to Arthur. It is undeniably true that he never suffered fools easily and his relentless actions were always far from the knightly deeds praised by the troubadours, but he always kept the interests of the realm in sight.

Mordred was a tragic figure, hated or feared by everyone, a prisoner of his own fate. Power-hungry, witty, confrontational, harsh, one who talks with malice and arrogance as the self-proclaimed contestant of King Arthur. He had little empathy for the suffering and emotions of others. He knew, after all, that he was destined to change the world.

In the game, you can decide how his personality and fate will be shaped - tough decisions and actions will influence his standing on the Morality Chart, determining his alignment between Tyranny and Righteousness, Old Faith and Christianity. He is a Defender class with various powerful abilities, and he will be a permanent member of the Round Table.

King Arthur: Knight's Tale will officially launch on February 22, 2024 on the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X|S, and if you pre-order the game, you can play the game 72 hours earlier and you will also receive plenty of bonus items!

To Avalon!

This post was edited 1 year 48 days ago by Tender
King Arthur: Knight's Tale - Hero Spotlight: Mordred
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1 year 41 days ago

I'm so nervous and excited to wait for this version to come out.

1 year 46 days ago

Could play even better on controller, can’t wait!