King Arthur: Knight's Tale

Console Preorder Bonuses



Our dark fantasy tactical RPG, King Arthur: Knight's Tale will be released next month on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S! We already have a detailed FAQ on what to expect, so make sure to read that to prepare for the big day on February 22. 

There is also an option to play the game early, as this is one of the perks for preordering the game alongside a multitude of digital goodies. If you pre-order the game for either the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X|S, you will receive the following extras:

  • Early access to the game, 72 hours before the official launch
  • Sir Mordred cosmetic skin • Lady Dindraine cosmetic skin
  • Painted Devils DLC, including ten uniquely designed skirmish maps with five difficulty settings
  • Rogues and Renegades DLC, including ten uniquely designed skirmish maps with five difficulty settings
  • A unique relic item for a heroic start in Avalon
  • Camelot's Fortune Pack, including extra potions and consumables

Play as Mordred in a dark, twisted otherworld where undying Arthur's nightmares come alive, manage Camelot and the Round Table, hire new heroes, bring your party to harrowing turn-based battles against the Sídhe, Picts, the Lost and many more enemies. Experience the continuation of the Arthurian myth while shaping the morality of Avalon's sovereign!

King Arthur: Knight's Tale will officially launch on February 22, 2024 on the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X|S, you have plenty of time to decide on a pre-order.

Until then, please watch the trailer to get in the mood for eternal Avalon:

This post was edited 1 year 69 days ago by Tender
King Arthur: Knight's Tale Console Preorder Bonuses
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330 days ago
Im a new player, is it possible to buy the preorder/special edition dlcs? I'd love to get my hands on the extra skirmish maps!

Many thanks