Is the Van Helsing Final Cut still redeemable?


Can i redeem the Van Helsing Final Cut, if i buy the Van Helsing franchise?

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Is the Van Helsing Final Cut still redeemable?
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7 years 333 days ago

The redeem page will be fixed soon!

Update: Fixed! Redeem here:

This comment was edited 7 years 332 days ago by Morzan
7 years 331 days ago
Juliska Levai


 Make sure to set your profile to Public when you redeem the code. After that, you can go back to Private once again.

You should get your key.

7 years 333 days ago
also interested in this.
7 years 333 days ago
Ive sent a mail to Neocore support, Im waiting for a reply!

I hope it is still on! friends of mine are buying the final cut edition, hopefully I can play with them!

7 years 333 days ago

Probably to many changes at the same time. Let's give them more time to resolve problem, but someone at least could confirm it - somethin like "we working on it" :)

7 years 333 days ago

+ !  Interesting

7 years 333 days ago
same here,

I contacted the support and asked kindly if they could update their fixed thread in the steam forum if there is a known issue or delay since many people got the same problem.

7 years 332 days ago

Hi Morzan!

I used the link upper to reedem but I've got this message:

"Sorry but you are not eligible to download The Incredible Adventure of Van Helsing - Final Cut for free"

I've got all the 3 parts of the IAoVH in my Steam account and for that reason i don't know why i can't get the Final Cut version?

Best regards, Juliska

This comment was edited 7 years 332 days ago by Juliska Levai
5 years 251 days ago

Page not found for me, if I go to (without the en part) it redirects to but the page doesn't seem to load correctly.  Getting a step closer to finding the correct URL though!