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- Inquisitor - Martyr: Out Now on Steam Early Access!
Today the game expands its horizons: Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr enters Steam Early Access. Suitably with this transition, there's a new update as well. Check out the full change log.
Now, for those who are not familiar with the "Early Access" concept, it's basically a chance to get the game earlier to help in the development by providing feedback. Some features are still missing, although we have laid out our plans up until the full release of the game what new stuff to expect each month.
Click to see the new Roadmap in full size:
That said, you're not really missing out if you decide to wait for the full release - you will not get an advantage with character progression, nor will you be able to play through the entire story campaign (although you will get a taste eventually). Early Access is for those who are willing to play a game in its less-than-complete form - any constructive or critical opinion is appreciated, especially during this phase.
That said, you're welcome to ask anything and provide feedback so we can complete the game with as much polish as possible.
This is the home of our Community, so feel free to explore and engage in conversations. Other than that, explore and enjoy what the game has to offer, and if there's anything you need, we'll be here to help!
For the Emperor!
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Please take my money for more beer :) :) :)
Did somebody just say beer? : }
Please take my money for more beer :) :) :)
Greetings brothers! Will the patch be out today????????
"(...)So this is what we can promise you:
The next content update for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr will be released on January 10.(...)" <===============
You can play the game with the WASD keys mate. I had the same problem when I first started and the realised that WASD works too.
You may have to adjust the controls in settings I cant remember but it does support WASD for movement.
Hi I am very new to the Inquisitor-Martyr. I see and know about the game via youtube not actually play. My thought, this game looks cool because I want to play this genre of game on Warhammer 40k setting. Yet, base on what I saw on youtube, I feel I don't like control of the game, which move and attack commanded by click. By this control players can do only move or attack at one time, not both. So I am writing this comment to ask if it possible for this game to have ASWD for moving and mouse click for attack with camera fixed on back of playing character. In my opinion, by this control player can move and dodge enemies while slashing or shooting making the game play more fast and flow.
I can not log into my account via Steam to write about a game error, but on the site everything turns out
You are welcome. Hopefully the Devs will learn from this mistake and not repeat it if there is a next time.
Well thank you for providing some information even when the devs can't be bothered to post anyting in here.It is good to hear that development is ongoing ,I'm looking forward to the release of the patch.Why the choose to remain silent here ,their main page, kinda baffles the mind especially when you were right in your assumption that I don't have a lot of time/day to check out every thread possible.I think many are in my shoes and it's not unreasonable to want some updates every now and again posted somewhere easy to see and access in order to put some minds at ease
Actually they haven't been silent at all. However, it is totally understandable that you think it to be the case. The Devs failed to make a formal annoucement regarding the delay of the Nov update, for reasons unknown. Instead they have been running around posting in the multiple threads that have popped up here & on the Steam forums. If you haven't taken the time to look into all these various threads to track down info, then you might very well think that the Devs have gone AWOL.
Currently, this is the situation. The Nov & Dec updates are being combined into one large patch that is planned to drop this week.
I'm sorry if I come of as a bit rude but what the hell is happening with the development of this game.Devs please you have been dead silent for the past 3 MONTHS.That's a long time and frankly it is extremely worrisome to see a behavior like this ,imho this doesn't bode well at all for the future of the game.I was very hyped when I first heard a union between my favorite game genre and my favorite sf setting is happening and I actually was pleased that you ,Neocore, were undertaking this task ( since I was a big fan of the first 2 Van Helsing games).Hoever since then my hype slowly changed to ...not even anger but dissapointment.No meaningul updates and no communication with the community whatsoever for a very long time.Please don't be that stereotypical example of a scumbag studio who makes a ton of promises but delivers on none and dumps it's project halfway trough early access.Don't let this game die before it's release,you have pure gold in your hands with the warhammer ip ,please dont squander this opportunity.If however this was just a quick cash grab, and let's be real here A LOT of people in the community are starting to think that even if they don't express it as bluntly as I do , man up and admit it ,give us some closure.Don't leave us hanging by a thread of false hope.I do hope that I'm very wrong about the latter part and development is well on it's way but judging by the missed goals ,so many missed goals, the outcome of this game is rather bleak in my eyes at least and that makes me very sad.
Dear Neocore, please give us some info.
You have gone VERY quiet and it worry's early adopters and will seriously limit the amount of people who will buy into your game in early access.
You SHOULD be giving WEEKLY updates via ALL channels.
That's for sure!
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
When will the update be ready for download? last week i read something about the 20th nov
hello world !
o/ you might probably already know :) ...
just in case you did not: i read on the discord that there is (or was) a bug:
"Megapull - 09/22/2017Just to be clear regarding the latest post - Our goal is NOT to turn the game into a grind fest. Leveling is slow at the moment because it is affected by a bug. We will fix it ASAP."
will i be able to upgrade my steam purchase to a more expensive ones like here on the webstore?
Hi, what will happen to optimization? 4790k( 4.4 GhZ ) +gtx 1080ti, 1 and 7 cpu 90-100% the others 5-15%,
because of this, There are drawdowns.
Please try: to route
load on all threads.
Thank you for understanding
Good day devs!!! Have such thoughts. Isn't Heavy Flamer MUST HAVE (HEAT) damage??? It's Flamer, why it haven't heat type of damage. When purging heretics they burning, (HEAT) i think must be. Good luck to you all!!!
Any plans on giveaways/sales? Would love to try it out and help with the development, 50 euros is simply too much at the moment :/
Well maybe they should introduce their face to my fist. Before tomorrow.
There is currently a problem with Win7 introduced in today's patch. It is to be addressed tomorrow.
hi there
i just bought it on steam but how do i get the in game login to work?it wont work
why are you stopping level progress by fate reduction if we are alpha-testing the game??? very large reduction... this game will be like hard grinding???? hmm, i don't want gameplay like this, that's boring....
There seems to be no other performence update. Is this the final state of the game regarding performence?
Just got game and I see its been a issue before but I'm getting network fail and have tried all suggested remedies. please help
Character movements and actions are very choppy when playing on my PC even on the lowest settings, and I own an asus republic of gamers laptop. There's also a bug where the foot steps sound effect would keep playing even when I'm not on a mission.
About the Fortresses - We really want to add this feature into the game, but we don't know when this will happen. But as you can see, it will probably happen after release. It's a really big thing and need a lot of work.
Devs, can you please create a separate sticky thread for the roadmap...it's way to hard to find here.
where is the Fortress feature?
Don't see the Fortress mode on the Roadmap and the placeholder for it seems to be removed in the game. Have you scrapped it?
Looking forward for the Controller Support!
You should get an email. Mine was instantaneous [a few weks ago]
where can i get my key for the early access?
do my Pledge (79.99$) include the early access?
So very cool that the game release was pushed into 2018. The best decision ever! Do it right, guys :)
P.S. How about executions? Are those in yet? This feature had to come with August patch?
Set this current order state as My default.