Innaculator bug


I can not modify innoculator metrodome Thelema stuck with a big green exclamation mark over his head

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Innaculator bug
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6 years 155 days ago
So to summ up, if you got this issue you gotta adress support, they will help you with this bug.
6 years 155 days ago

So this is my interaction with support, who finally helped me get rid of this bug.

Hello again, unfortunately I got another bug to report

After i repeated a mission from campaign, which was visible again (one about finding Thelema, magus biologus), she's stuck in dialogue line about space marine recovery each time after i login or finish a mission.... When she finishes the line nothing happens, she still got an exclamation mark over her head and I can't access innoculator options.

I'm not the only one with this bug it seems:

The screen with a bug present

September 21

Marcopolocs avatar

may I ask despite cannot interact with Metrodora can you progress in your campaign? As I see your character is rank32 now but on the picture rank25 is displayed. So it seems you just cannot interact with her but everything else works right?


Yes, everything else works just fine, I finished campaign without any other problems. This bug is pretty annoying though, I'd really like to customize that innoculator :)

pt., 21 wrz 2018, 10:16 użytkownik Marcopolocs from NeocoreGames <[email protected]> napisał:

Marcopolocs avatar

I forwarded your case and we will do our best to avert the problem! Sorry for the inconveniences!

Marcopolocs avatar

Good news, our colleagues hadn't have to investigate it for long, it has been fixed. Would you please try to check on it. You should be able to interact with her again!

So, exclamation mark is still there, but I can enter menu now. Hopefully your team can solve this issue with some hotfix for everyone in the future. I also hope you helped that other player who had same issue.

Anyway, props for acting so fast, cheers.

6 years 156 days ago
Same here, happened after i repeated a mission from campaign, which was visible (one about finding her), she's stuck in opening dialogue lines each time after i login or finish a mission....

Any workaround for this bug anyone ?