PS4 - What to do at 50


Hey so I just got a character to level 50 on the PS4 and thought there was a dark eldar update as well as being able to see a few other solar systems, though I can only access the primary system that gets the play to 50. Is there something I have to do to unlock the Dark Eldar or other solar systems? Or is this is it until the devs release an update to open up things besides that starter system? Thanks

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PS4 - What to do at 50
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6 years 174 days ago
We automatically get the crash reports and naturally fix them all to avert these problems. The next patch will contain numerous crash fixes! Sorry for the trouble!
6 years 174 days ago
Posted by Christs 6 years 180 days ago
Season 0ne -lvl70 and dark elder will not be on consoles until at least next month. 

At level 50 WZ is meant to be the main end game. There is always another 5 char. slots.

Sorry but, WARZONE are playable on ps4? All times i'm launching the game crushing. All the times. Same thing, a friends of me.... ARE WARZONE PLAYABLE OR NOT ON PS4 SYSTEM PLZ?
6 years 179 days ago
You can do warzones from 40 as gear stops at that level anyway. They are really tedious though. I'd replay the campaign with a different class. Warzone rewards can only be used in warzones ,not like paragon levels,which makes them a bit pointless unless grinding through the same rooms for 1 'credit' sounds like fun. Endgame is pretty abysmal.From what I've seen even the 50 gear is pretty bland and thst costs 500 credits a piece. No sets,no epic game changing legendary items. It's like D3 on release but without the sets.
6 years 180 days ago
Hey buddy, nice one getting your character to level 50.

I'm not far behind and hoping to crack that milestone this very weekend.

Have you been back to the Medical Installation where you picked up the Magos Biologos?

Checked out the Unholy Cathedral?

There are extra missions waiting for you there as well as the Warzone in Lacaon Maioris... though you're gonna need a friend.

6 years 180 days ago
Good to know. Thanks for the info
6 years 180 days ago
Ya this happened to me and is what made me wonder about what to do to unlock their area
6 years 180 days ago
Keep getting priority missions where the darl eldar don't show up. Total waste of a mission.Anyone come across this?
6 years 180 days ago
Season 0ne -lvl70 and dark elder will not be on consoles until at least next month. 

At level 50 WZ is meant to be the main end game. There is always another 5 char. slots.