Important Update from GAME about your Warhammer 40K Inquisitor Martyr order


Just got this from GAME store in the UK

"We wanted to let you know that unfortunately there has been a change to the release date for Warhammer 40K Inquisitor Martyr.

Due to some technical issues with the day one patch, BigBen have taken the decision to push the release date back to 3rd July to avoid any disappointment. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

The GAME team"

Pre-order cancelled 

Sick and fed up of waiting

That's one sale they have lost i know they wont give a monkeys, but they are not getting my hard earned 

Store Page
6 years 289 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 289 days ago
Five down votes... good lord you lot really are kissing Neocores arse, what you think it's going to get to get you something, you make me sick, bloody fanboys, if the devs can't get it right first time, then fire them, get someone who can do the job right, first time... 

they are paid enough to know what they are doing , get it right, you set of t@#ts, 

For a company whose bread and butter is the ARPG, this journey into it is a utter utter utter shambolic mess 

heads need to roll at No Clue (new name for neocore) for this inexcusable communications  delay 

and Megapull is the first to go for my money 

Hold on, you said in initial statement that , i quote "

Sick and fed up of waiting

That's one sale they have lost i know they wont give a monkeys, but they are not getting my hard earned 


Yet here you are, asking Megapull to go for your money. 

One of the statements must be withdrawn, imo.

6 years 289 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 289 days ago
Five down votes... good lord you lot really are kissing Neocores arse, what you think it's going to get to get you something, you make me sick, bloody fanboys, if the devs can't get it right first time, then fire them, get someone who can do the job right, first time... 

they are paid enough to know what they are doing , get it right, you set of t@#ts, 

For a company whose bread and butter is the ARPG, this journey into it is a utter utter utter shambolic mess 

heads need to roll at No Clue (new name for neocore) for this inexcusable communications  delay 

and Megapull is the first to go for my money 

Because despite being disappointed our lives don't hinge on whether BigBen delays the console release to accommodate a day 1 patch. I'm sure this will all get sorted and officially announced next week so instead of ranting about it, just give them the weekend to figure things out. It's not being a fanboy, it's just not acting like a child when you don't get your way.
6 years 289 days ago
My thoughts on this subject as of now.

The statement that says: All versions/platforms will be released simultaneously on the very same day.

This is the statement that has been going for a VERY long time. And if not living up to that statement, is actually shooting themselves in the foot now if they do not manage to release it on all Platforms the very same day.

Yes, that does mean every company involved.

6 years 289 days ago
oh yeh because who gives a sh1t about the console players, as long as the PC  owners get what they want then the world is a happy place
6 years 289 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 290 days ago

Hi, we are still in talks with our console publisher about this, so we can't confirm or deny these dates. What is absolutely, 100% sure, is that the PC release will not be delayed and will be released on June 5. If there will be any changes we will announce it immediately.

That's good to hear!

(from a PC gamers point of view^^)

But was it really necessary to give the first bit of info about a possible console release delay via a store and not yourself?

6 years 289 days ago
Five down votes... good lord you lot really are kissing Neocores arse, what you think it's going to get to get you something, you make me sick, bloody fanboys, if the devs can't get it right first time, then fire them, get someone who can do the job right, first time... 

they are paid enough to know what they are doing , get it right, you set of t@#ts, 

For a company whose bread and butter is the ARPG, this journey into it is a utter utter utter shambolic mess 

heads need to roll at No Clue (new name for neocore) for this inexcusable communications  delay 

and Megapull is the first to go for my money 

6 years 290 days ago

Since Big Ben is the UK publisher, if there is a console delay, will it only affect UK players or US as well?  I just preordered from GameStop in US and it still states June 5th. 
6 years 290 days ago

And here was me thinking you ere doing a "Release across all platforms" on June 5th

Console Players get Shafted YET AGAIN....

6 years 290 days ago

Hi, we are still in talks with our console publisher about this, so we can't confirm or deny these dates. What is absolutely, 100% sure, is that the PC release will not be delayed and will be released on June 5. If there will be any changes we will announce it immediately.