Why should I play now before the release on 5th june?


First of all, I can't really see a reason why they had to wipe for that "beta patch", as despite the long patch notes, there wasn't really anything game changing.

Second, I wonder what sense it makes to hand out a new version with a wipe, and having the next wipe coming just a few weeks after.
In other games that might even make sense, but this game is of such a grindy nature, that any casual player would not even get anywhere in that time frame.

So, in short, I would love to play, but I can't convince myself to start grinding for something that is gone in a little more than a week. -.-

Or is there any reason I should?

I did not really see anything "brand new" in the patch notes that I'd "need" to try, or did I just overlook something?

Oh, and just in case some dedicated and helpful player is reading this, I'd really love some info if you happen to have tested this already in the beta version:

previously, the perk "self flaggelation" was bugged for psykers, increasing warp heat instead of reducing it per second,
has this been fixed? (would need to grind 5k fate to just test this ;-;)

previously, the turrets that you can spawn as a crusader were bugged, staying indefinitely most of the time (critical in combo with the next one), has this been fixed?
previously, the turrets that you can spawn as a crusader would not allow you to spawn another one if you had 3 already, so instead of destroying the oldest one, you could not ever spawn another if you had 3 already, and with them staying forever, you were usually unable to spawn any turrets anymore after 1/4 of a map, has this been fixed?

Many thanks in advance to anyone answering these questions! :-)

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Why should I play now before the release on 5th june?
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6 years 289 days ago
In some cases it is necessary to wipe characters in order to prevent bugs or stuff like that, when you change core things of a game. It's the same for some games where you can download mods, for some of them it is necessary to start a new game.

At the moment I'm not that motivated to play, but I use the time to check out different classes. I'm fairly sure, that I will create a heavy weapon crusader with the release, but I couldn't decide, if a Melee-Crusader might be cooler, so I check that out now.

6 years 289 days ago
Regarding your bugs i cannot answer you, during the alpha i only played the crusader with assault armour.

Since beta i finished the 3rd chapter of the campaign on my crusader, messed around a bit with him afterwards.

Tried a psyker (during alpha the class did simply not click with me) and getting the hang of it. 

Both characters are not high level and don't have a high power rating. As you said, no use in grinding them. So i simply 

play to have fun.

6 years 289 days ago
Posted by akathanam 6 years 289 days ago
Exactly. And since part of your character progression was tied to your account rank which you could level seperately from your character level, it was probably not possible (or simply to complicated to be worth it for a beta which lasts only a few days) to convert your character to the new system.
That.... would have been incredibly simple math, or just leaving it out as the IR now does what the AR did (giving points for the skilltrees mostly).

I think they planned their wipes some long time ago, and did not re-think how much sense it would make to wipe twice within a few weeks.

Some could argue it would otherwise be bad for the (original) intention of a beta, to test things, because people would not go through the beginning again and it would be mostly untested, which is wrong as people still tend to do that for various reasons (new chars) and a lot of new people tend to jump on board at the start of a beta (ok, maybe not at this one).

Did you progress far in the game already? (in this beta version)
Are you or anyone else out there able to answer my bugfix questions?

6 years 289 days ago
Addendum: And that are just the visible changes. No one of us knows how it changed the balance and mechanics in the code.
6 years 289 days ago
Exactly. And since part of your character progression was tied to your account rank which you could level seperately from your character level, it was probably not possible (or simply to complicated to be worth it for a beta which lasts only a few days) to convert your character to the new system.
6 years 289 days ago
Posted by akathanam 6 years 289 days ago
They completely revamped the levelling system, so the wipe seems justified.

Regarding your question: simply to have fun. Trying out different things, sometimes just screwing around. Since nothing i do matters after release i don't feel the pressure to accomplish anything tangible and i can test out stuff i would normally not do. 

Plus to pass the time until release.

How did they change the leveling system?

The only thing was the (unnecessary) removal of the account rank, which was beneficial for playing more than one character,
with the only effect that this is now less convenient, less fun, and slower, not benefiting much from your time already spent playing, unlike it was before.

6 years 289 days ago
They completely revamped the levelling system, so the wipe seems justified.

Regarding your question: simply to have fun. Trying out different things, sometimes just screwing around. Since nothing i do matters after release i don't feel the pressure to accomplish anything tangible and i can test out stuff i would normally not do. 

Plus to pass the time until release.