How does Psychic Channeling Perk work?


Description says

8% damage to all equipped psychic powers after each equipped damage dealing psychic power.

huh? can someone explain this to me in laymans terms? maybe with an example?

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How does Psychic Channeling Perk work?
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6 years 127 days ago

sure, but I currently feel like it's hard to tell what the effects of abilities, how they stack, etc, really is. Maybe an icon isn't the right answer, but I don't see that I get real values out of hovering over other tooltips either. This makes it hard to know what gear and which abilities. 2 cents. I guess the most important thing is for me to be able to understand exactly how something is affecting my build currently

6 years 131 days ago
There are several skill icons which are deliberately not displayed on screen. This was a design decision on our part.
6 years 132 days ago

I feel like this tooltip/description could be improved... Also maybe some way of seeing it's affect when you've equipped it (like stacked icons)

This comment was edited 6 years 132 days ago by xenoterracide
6 years 138 days ago

this means that if you have for example 5 damage dealing spell in your Skill bar each spell will add +8% additional damage to the other spells. This is meant only for those spell which are dealing damage!