How do I take a screenshot?


I would like to help with bug reports - but I don't know how to take a screenshot in-game. Please help.

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How do I take a screenshot?
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5 years 236 days ago
You can save it via Paint which is an easy way.

If you may not know, by pressing F12 and leaving the game a window will pop up with the screenshots - this is a Steam feature.

5 years 237 days ago
I've tried printscreen several times. There's no indication a screenshot has been taken. Where do I find them afterwards?

Maybe add a screen message + file location when people press printscreen?

5 years 237 days ago

there are various ways. I personally suggest the use of Gyazo if you play have 2 screens. That is easy and you can provide the link to us in less than 30 seconds.
You can also use print screen ingame and after saving it, can attach it into a topic here.