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- Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.7.2c | February 1
Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.7.2c | February 1
Warhammer 40K Patch Notes
2 years 15 days ago
replied 1 year 325 days ago
Patch v2.7.2c
- Fixed an issue where in some instances players were unable to find Metrodora Thelema during the Saving Caius Thorn questline
- Fixed the missing belt model on low-quality Celestian Armours
- Fixed an issue where the character animations would freeze up in the character screen after changing weapons during a mission with a controller
- Fixed an issue where the Filter function would not work in the Crafting tab with a controller
- Fixed an issue where the umlauts were displayed incorrectly in certain video subtitles in German language
- Fixed an issue where the Shotgun's Flechette Round skill would not apply Bleed
- Fixed an issue where the Hero of the Imperium, Bleached Veins, Grenadier and Versatile Operative Heroic Deeds incorrectly listed perk rewards for Battle Sisters
- Numerous typo fixes
- Psykers can now unlock the Warp Heat Rejuvenation perk at level 69
- Reduced the Psyker Villains' Warp Pillar damage values by approximately 30%
- Boosted the Defense, Suppression, and HP values of all hirelings available at Custodian Rebus
- Reduced the Shield HP and Suppression values of the Black Legion Relic Decimator by 1000
- Grinder perk was removed from the Battle Sister due to its requirements (Grenade kills)
This post was
1 year 225 days ago by
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Hotfix for Inquisitor - v2.7.2c | February 1
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1 year 325 days ago
When is there gona be a fix for trofeys not popping in game it says I have the trofey but on my account it did not it’s the all kind of truble Trofey did that one with all my characters on the ps5 and it did not pop i loded the game on to my ps4 with the 4 virsion and all troffeys popt so now I have a ps4 edition that i had on for like 3 min plat and the 5 edition the game I am playing it did not pop when is there gona be a fix for that?
1 year 348 days ago
How's the sororitas dlc looking for console
1 year 364 days ago
It's not yet available. The console version will receive this feature with the next-in-line patch.
2 years 1 day ago
Being able to favorite items in your inventory so they don’t get sold in bulk sells would be nice On PS5. If there is a way to do that already on console it’s very well hidden.
2 years 7 days ago
We are working on both issues. The DLC problem is in the works just like the porting of the Sororitas class to consoles. We plan to release the class with our next update but this is not an official confirmation just our plans.
Please wait for the official announcement first.
2 years 14 days ago
We getting any closer to having sororitas on console lol
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