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- King Arthur: Knight's Tale Future Updates FAQ
King Arthur: Knight's Tale
Future Updates FAQ
King Arthur DiscussionKing Arthur: Knight's Tale is a dark fantasy role-playing / tactical game that has been released in 2022 for the PC after an early access period and a successful Kickstarter campaign. Today, the base game you see on Steam is complete and fully playable for anybody, even more than that: it already has received neat updates, including the one that addressed the install size and the one with the free Fomorian missions.
But this doesn't mean we're done just yet! That's why we're answering some questions concerning the post-release developments of the game today.
Will King Arthur: Knight's Tale come to consoles?
Yes, the game is coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S|X, both versions are in development at the same time! We're currently trying to lock down a release date, but as soon as we have the exact information, you'll be the first to know!
What kind of updates can we expect for King Arthur: Knight's Tale in the future?
The three most important types of updates are Patches, Seasons and Skirmish packs. It's important to know what these are.
- Patches - Fixes and balancing adjustments. Free, of course. One of the most important patches coming in December is Patch 2.0 which will completely overhaul the game, including quality of life improvements and better balance based on community feedback.
- Seasons - Think of these as mini expansions - they are completely free. King Arthur: Knight's Tale is not a live service game as the base game is considered a complete product and is playable offline, but we believe that we can keep the game fresh by surprising players with new content based on a certain theme.
- Skirmish packs - These are smaller DLCs, they can be either free or paid. They offer some additional challenges in special map packs. Absolutely not necessary for enjoying the full main campaign, but they can provide a few extra hours of fun for those who just can't get enough.
Am I missing out on anything with Seasons? Can I access older ones?
You will be able to play every Season, selectable from a menu. The current one is called The Chained God and focuses on the Fomorians. This content will not disappear when the next Season - Rising Eclipse - arrives in December with a Sídhe theme. As we introduce new Seasons, they will all be selectable and you can activate them at will. You don't have to download anything, these are free updates that come in the form of a patch. You will never miss out on anything as long as you keep your game updated.
When is the best time to play these Seasons?
Seasons are primarily intended as endgame content for players who have completed the story and who are now looking for additional challenges, so you will need a save file with a completed campaign to enjoy them.
Beside these smaller free content updates, will King Arthur: Knight's Tale have a larger paid expansion?
Yes. We are currently working on a really meaty expansion with a full campaign featuring the Ninth Legion of Rome. We don't have a release date just yet.
What else is there to know?
Past, future and present are enshrouded in the ever-growing mists of Avalon. We're but a small beacon of light - still, come to us with questions and feedback at all times. We are listening and trying to work with your suggestions to improve the game. Join the discussions on our website, Discord or on the Steam forums, or tell us about any technical difficulties at [email protected].
And if you're still hungry for more things King Arthur: Knight's Tale before the new Season arrives, we humbly suggest our Supporter Pack DLC which includes a short story collection, a digital art book and a digital map. You should also follow our devblog updates and social media so you can stay up to date with anything that happens with the game.
We hope this little FAQ provided some answers for the questions you might have had, but if not, don't hesitate to ask! We may not have a definitive answer yet, but we'll be transparent about anything what we can disclose.
Again, we'd like to thank our Kickstarter backers and all the newcomers who enjoyed and conquered King Arthur: Knight's Tale.
Camelot salutes you!
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