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- Cant connect to servers on PS5
Cant connect to servers on PS5
Warhammer 40K Support Area
1 year 233 days ago
replied 1 year 183 days ago
Hello, team.
I have been trying to play the game for the last 4 days on my PS5. Unfortunately i always get server connection error.
Looks like i have wasted my money on this game.
Is it IP issue?
Please contact me, so i can give you my IP address, etc.
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Cant connect to servers on PS5
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1 year 183 days ago
I’m having that issue but it’s for the Xbox. was they able to get yours going? It’s been a week so far and I’m still not able to connect to the server. I play on two different Xbox’s and I’m unable to connect with either of them. I made new profiles to see if I can get in but still can’t.
1 year 231 days ago
Hi there, sorry I'm only getting back to you now. The servers tend to go through rougher periods on occasion unfortunately, so it's most likely due them acting up right now, but a couple reports surfaced in the past couple days similar to yours, so I've asked the console team to see if they can recreate the issue internally. I'll update you and others with any news I get on this. Sorry again for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience on this. Cheers!
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