Great game really bad auto target,


Ok so the auto target has to go it's so bad u guys , I love the game but this is a problem that should be fixed or turned off toggle ,the fact that the same button used to shoot is also the same to interact is a problem, because way to often I'm shooting and my guy tried to go in cover this is a serious problem ... Please fix I love the game but man this kills it ,I'm trying to shoot guy in from and it targets something else . PLEASE PATCH TO TURN THIS OFF I WOULD BEG U GUYS ...

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Great game really bad auto target,
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6 years 213 days ago
Use R3 to target manually.
6 years 214 days ago

I can promise we will fix the issue that the character wants to interact with objects instead of using the skill bound to the X/A button in the next patch. And we the blow containers won't be priorised at the target system anymore.

This comment was edited 6 years 214 days ago by Darths
6 years 215 days ago
Posted by Darths 6 years 216 days ago
We will investigate this problem. But till then I can suggest that try to choose a different button layout if this one bugs you. That's why there is five different layout from you can choose.
This one, choosing advance controller layout fix this problem. Now 'X' is for cover and interaction with objects, so you can accidentally take cover instead of open chest.
6 years 215 days ago
I could not agree more.. So many Times ive been shooting att targets and then My character suddenly want to open a supply or medication chest miles away
6 years 215 days ago

I just thought of a way to partially solve this issue, make it so you have to be right next to the chests before the prompt to open it comes up. the main thing causing this issue is the fact that the prompt to open the chests comes up when you're like 20 ft away.

6 years 215 days ago
yeah, it can be quite annoying. thankfully it's only happened to me a few times.
6 years 215 days ago

The pc version was the same when you used a controller and it drove me nuts, I stopped playing. I wrote them on the Neocore messenger weeks ago telling them how bad the auto targeting was with a controller and asked if the Xbox version would be the same and I recieved no response. I was hopping it wouldn't because I really liked the game and got all excited when I saw it on the Xbox store. I came here before i purchased because I knew if it was the same it would be mentioned here. Now I'm bummed out but glad I saw this before i purchased, again. Thanks for posting and letting me know.

Please fix this asap! I really want to play this game again, besides this issue its a great game. When you get far into the game and its harder the auto targeting becomes a nightmare and I feel game breaking.

Changing the button layout does not fix the issue at all.

6 years 216 days ago
We will investigate this problem. But till then I can suggest that try to choose a different button layout if this one bugs you. That's why there is five different layout from you can choose.
6 years 217 days ago

We are aware of this issue and currently we are looking into options on tweaking it. Thanks for all the feedback - we will think of a solution.

6 years 217 days ago
I agree!