First time alpha tester here, a quick question about sharing pictures.


Can i for example share pictures about alpha build on steam feed, or dot he dev's want to keep the game as a "secret" still? I'm a first time playing an alpha build, so don't know the usual routine about these things yet.

This post was edited 7 years 163 days ago by esa lackstrom
Store Page
7 years 163 days ago

Hi and welcome here!

First of all check this topic about the known issues. If you find something then check this list first and if you can't find the bug (in the list) that you've found -you should make a comment about it. You can attach pictures if you want, but that's not necessary. 

This comment was edited 7 years 163 days ago by Morzan
7 years 163 days ago
Thanks for the welcoming!

Not actually for bug reports, just usual gameplay screens on steam feed.  If it isn't allowed since this is not yet a finished project, i will keep my screen caps on myself then.

I will report bugs of course if i encounter some that haven't been reported yet. :)

7 years 163 days ago
Posted by esa lackstrom 7 years 163 days ago
Thanks for the welcoming!

Not actually for bug reports, just usual gameplay screens on steam feed.  If it isn't allowed since this is not yet a finished project, i will keep my screen caps on myself then.

I will report bugs of course if i encounter some that haven't been reported yet. :)

I think screenshots are okay. :)

- With streaming and youtube videos players should wait a little bit.

7 years 163 days ago
Ok :) Thanks for the quick answers.