DLC Idea - Horus Heresy Content


I have an idea for DLC: introduce content, weapons, items, equipment from the Horus Heresy era. Would truly allow for some epic Inquisitor adventures, following the 30k line of GW products.

I know the game is in alpha but hey, never too soon.

This post was edited 7 years 165 days ago by Xehanort
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DLC Idea - Horus Heresy Content
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7 years 163 days ago
That sounds great!
7 years 163 days ago
I like the idea if its limited to gear relics or ancient pieces of information to secrets thought long dead
7 years 164 days ago
Well it could work via a temporal wormhole but yes, it could feel awkard.
7 years 165 days ago

I think it'll be cool for items, but Horus Heresy Era Quest shouldn't be a thing imo.

This comment was edited 7 years 165 days ago by Ancientfus