Estimated release for 2.0 patch for PS4/Consoles PLEASE


Wondering when i should pick this game up again. I have the season pass but gave the game away due to a moment of being pissed off. Just wondering when i should rebuy digitally.

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Estimated release for 2.0 patch for PS4/Consoles PLEASE
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5 years 257 days ago

"We'll do our best to release it by late autumn!" do you even know how long that is? forget it, you know basic math so i'm sure you do. It's not cool. Too many things have gone wrong so the patch debacle along with the standalone was the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of people. I'm not leaving though. 

This comment was edited 5 years 257 days ago by Nonchelante1990
5 years 257 days ago

Taking the release date into account, PC 5Jun18 Console 23Aug18,  I have no idea what you mean by "It should never take this long between a PC and console patch release"? If anything they wouldn't have had a patch ready until mid/late Septembe which is technically "Autum" as summer ends first week September

The vast majority of PC to Console ports have been upwards of 6 moths behind. 

The outrage at this moment shouldnt be focused on a Console update, that anyone with basic math skill could deduce would be 2 moths earliest, but the fact that the announce an expansion before first year end

Also if you take into account that the June 20th release was mostly unplayable and was pathed July 4th that may also push back the updater for console pobably til October 

This comment was edited 5 years 257 days ago by BekkaToravu
5 years 257 days ago
OOF. I am afraid this will cost an even higher drop-off of players on consoles. This was a very poorly handled idea. I love the game, but this is getting to a point where i feel slighted and truly second-class to your PC fanbase. It should never take this long between a PC and console patch release, then we have the certification process etc. Is that taken into account in your fall estimate? 

I don't mean to be rude, but this project has been severely mishandled. We shouldn't have been told about the patch as early as we did. I realize this was done to retain player base and interest. But it has backfired. I'm just disappointed. There is no other game like this for me. And Chaosbane has nothing on this game in my opinion. I really hope everything works out, but i do not think most players will be as accepting as i am, as you may have noticed on the boards.

I just don't know, i feel like you have bitten off more than you can chew when it comes to the standalone and 2.0 patch.

And i also think about your health as a small team. I mean no disrespect with this post at all.

But as a fan, a customer and agent of the Imperium- It's disheartening.

I won't be leaving like i said. But i know a lot of people who will, and won't even come back after the patch because they feel treated poorly. (console players) 

5 years 262 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 264 days ago
We do our best to release it by late autumn! 

Thank you for the information... but it means we have to wait at least 4 months for the update and most likely more than 5 months. That's way too late.

5 years 264 days ago
We do our best to release it by late autumn! 
5 years 266 days ago
Posted by Megapull 5 years 267 days ago
Can confirm this Fall for the update.

too late...  fall goes on until the 21st of December

This comment was edited 5 years 266 days ago by Ladegail
5 years 267 days ago
Posted by Megapull 5 years 267 days ago
Can confirm this Fall for the update.
Loooooool  ......very bad
5 years 267 days ago
Can confirm this Fall for the update.
5 years 267 days ago
so 2-3 months at best after pc release? really? thanks for nothing Neocore
5 years 282 days ago

There is no ETA at the moment due to various reasons but our whole console team is working on the patch so I'm pretty sure we can come out with a date shortly.

This comment was edited 5 years 282 days ago by Marcopolocs