Crash report


Hello there people, Simply doing a continuous crash report on the game. 

The crash always happens on the character selection screen. everything seem to load up to that point. The animation is running for about 5 sec then it froze up and crash. The music still play until i force kill it or the task manager ask to kill it.


I7 3630-QM 2.40 ghz

16 ddr4

windows 10

GTX 680M Nvedia

Everything is up to date in my pilot

Store Page
Crash report
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7 years 268 days ago
I think that it seems to me that your laptop can be the problem as we state it on the store page - most of those are unsupported and/or do not meet the minimum system requirements of the game.
7 years 270 days ago

Before i had wrote those the verification of the cache were all good to go no error or needing to download missing component.

I do play on a MSI laptop GT 70. Yet i do not see the issue it could cause. I am a electrician with very basic programming skill so i am kind of dumb on that level :/   .

7 years 275 days ago


Thanks for your report, it is quite unusual so I suspect that something might be wrong with your client itself. Try verifying game integrity via Steam a few times, and see if it works.

From your VGA it seems that you are playing from a laptop, which also might be the issue - but we will see.