Sigmum Stuck


Hello and quick question. On both my assassin and crusader I cannot change one of the sigmums. See pic. Its a yellow one that no value to either character. When I watch your twitch show I can see you guys are not having this problem. I've crafted several but nothing seems to work. How do I install a new sigmum?

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Sigmum Stuck
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7 years 268 days ago
Posted by Ixxolos 7 years 270 days ago

Are you not able to drag and drop another over the top of the existing one you want to replace? 

I have only had the occasional issue when switching from 2h melee back to 1h melee i'll sometimes have to drag and drop the weapon i would like in my off hand slot due to no other way of adding it to said slot.

Drag and drop should work indeed.

7 years 270 days ago

Are you not able to drag and drop another over the top of the existing one you want to replace? 

I have only had the occasional issue when switching from 2h melee back to 1h melee i'll sometimes have to drag and drop the weapon i would like in my off hand slot due to no other way of adding it to said slot.
7 years 271 days ago

Have you tried Shift-Click?

Not played for a while but I think that's right, it should say in the bottom corner of the signum data when you mouse over it in you inventory.