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- Content Update for Inquisitor - Patch 2.0 - June 20 - PC
Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr will be released. The updates will be applied automatically after the scheduled maintenance and when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. Please also note that during maintenance, players will be unable to login.
Patch 2.0 is here! A full overview of the new features and changes can be found here - be sure to check it out to see every change in detail.
Below you can find a brief summary of all the new changes (once again, it is recommended to check the compendium for the details):
New Features
- Combat flow has been drastically improved.
- All character animations have been sped up.
- Primary Skills' Global Cooldowns have been reduced.
- Movement speed of all classes has been adjusted.
- All skill effects have been adjusted to match the faster animation speeds.
Leveling & Itemization
- Leveling has been revamped and the maximum level cap has been raised to 100.
- An XP bar was added to the Battle UI.
- The Inventory is now available during missions.
- Power rating has been removed. Items now have Item Level.
- Three new relic item tiers have been introduced: Morality Relics, Archeotech Relics, and Ancient Relics.
- More than 200 Relic enchants have been added.
- Socketed items are available.
- New socketable items: Archeotech Shards & Psalm-Codes are now available along with their respecitve crafting system and upgrade tables
- Each Crusader and Assassin weapon received 4 new model types, while Psykers received 8 new weapon models.
- The Tech Tree has been reset and all upgrade costs are refunded to players.
- All crafting times have been removed so items are now instantly created upon crafting them.
- The blueprint system has been altered. Old blueprints have been removed, and numerous new ones have been added.
- Crafting creates items based on the player's level.
- Relic items can now be crafted as well.
- Fusion has been removed.
- Modify has been vastly expanded with new features.
Tarot system
- Tarot Cards can be achieved through leveling up or through the loot system.
- Tarot Mission generation from the old UI has been removed.
- Every Open World mission can be applied a Tarot Card.
- The Fate cost of Tarot missions has been removed.
- Tarot cards can now be leveled up to level 5 for increased effect.
Empyrean Seals
- Empyrean Seals are a new addition to the Tarot system. Players can find Empyrean Seals through the general loot system.
- These Seals can be applied onto the Minor Arcana Tarot slots, and are consumed upon usage. Empyrean Seals can not be leveled.
Void Crusade
- The Void Crusade is now available from level 50 as a 29-mission mini-campaign with 7 new game modes, new scripts and mechanics, and valuable end-game rewards.
- Players may start a Crusade from the Command Bridge by using the Void Crusade desk.
- Players will receive a new Challenge every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- Players can have 5 active Challenges up at once.
- If a Player does not have a free Challenge slot, they will do not receive a new Challenge
- Players can swap a Challenge a day to a new one
- Challenges are displayed on the right side panel of the GUI
- Completing a challenge gifts players with powerful loot with a chance to receive Archeotech Relics. If a player does not receive an Archeotech Relic from a Challenge, the chance to receive one increases greatly with the next Challenge. Therefore, Challenges will be a reliable source of Archeotech Relics.
- Challenges also give players a high amount of experience, similar to Tarot missions.
- The Warzone has been reworked to become a reliable build check that scales to the player's level. Variety has been also greatly increased.
- A total of 100 Warzone maps are implemented.
- These are grouped into ten blocks of ten missions with a mini-story that links them together.
- Every mission will have Warzone Hazards, with one Hazard for the first 20 missions, then two for the next 20, and so on.
- The last mission of every Warzone mission group will have an extra difficulty modifier.
- Failing a Warzone mission group will result in having to start that block of 10 missions over.
- The Warzone GUI has been reworked to accomodate these changes.
- Favour and Warzone Relics are no longer obtainable.
- Players will receive compensation for Favour, while Warzone Relics got converted into Archeotech Relics to retain their usefulness.
- Intels can be found occassionally from the standard loot system, appearing as items in the player's Inventory.
- Using an Intel opens a brand new mission on the Starmap, which will of course appear on the Mission Deployment window as well.
- Intel Missions disappear after 48 hours.
Co-Op Campaign
- The whole Martyr campaign is now playable in Co-Op except for the vehicular missions.
- Players must be at the same or higher progression level to start Campaign missions.
Quality of Life Changes
- Added a vast number of tutorials across the game interface. All of them can be replayed via a button in the top-left corner of the UI.
- Mission Deployment is now available from the bottom right panel to quickly navigate between missions without having to travel on the Starmap.
- The post-mission loot screen is now skippable via the Game Options menu
- Added a new tracker that tracks gained rewards after completing missions
- You can now reset all options to default with a single button
- Players can now display any clue's content with plain text for better readability (both ingame and in the journal)
- The "Sell all" button in Vendors will no longer sell consumable items
- Lots of perk and skill descriptions were reworded to make them more understandable
- Beneficial and detrimental perk effects are now highlighted with green and red colors respectively
Miscellaneous new features
- The camera has been adjusted to a new angle. Offset is adjustable from Options.
- 4 new map settings are available: Deathworld, Factory, Desert, and Monastery
- Frame Blending is now available in the Video Options
- Players can now delete items from the inventory via the Trash icon
- 51 new achievements are available
Bug Fixes
- Various optimization changes
- Major stability improvements
- Several passive skills had their values fixed in order to work properly
- Fixed bad spawn point locations across several missions
- Fixed several object clipping and checkpoint errors across several missions
- Area Effect enchants did not give extra damage to skills with the Area Effect tag. This has been fixed.
- Affixes with extra duration on Vulnerability did not work. It has been fixed.
- Affixes with extra skill damage on skills having the 'Combo skill tag' did not work. This has been fixed.
- The Volatile Substances skill's description has been corrected and now is in line with how it works.
- The Thundering Leap skill now works properly in Co-op
- The Rapid Elimination Protocol perk has been fixed in Co-op
- The Greataxe's Execute skill has been fixed and works properly in Co-op now
- Debuffs are now displayed under enemy name plates in order to avoid overlapping with their descriptions
- Numerous monster settings had their damage, skills, and HP values adjusted and rebalanced
- Revisited and adjusted several skills
- The Bane of the Warpspawn Heroic Deed's requirement has been slightly changed to make it more doable. From now on besides Daemon type Elites, Daemon type Commanders and Bosses count as kills too
- Using Serpent Strike while in Stealth, the duration of Surprise you got afterward was 3 seconds. This has been doubled.
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Does item level even matter before lvl 50?
The 2.0 patch will be out for console later in this year due to its major updates and new game modes etc.
- The Tech Tree has been reset and all upgrade costs are refunded to players.
- All crafting times have been removed so items are now instantly created upon crafting them.
- The blueprint system has been altered. Old blueprints have been removed, and numerous new ones have been added.
- Crafting creates items based on the player's level.
- Relic items can now be crafted as well.
- Fusion has been removed.
- Modify has been vastly expanded with new features."
Are you aware that there's a PS4 trophy that requires Fusion? (I have it, but this is certainly relevant to others.)
We will change the unlock criteria for the socketing.
The 2.0 patch will be out for console later in this year due to its major updates and new game modes etc.
- The Tech Tree has been reset and all upgrade costs are refunded to players.
- All crafting times have been removed so items are now instantly created upon crafting them.
- The blueprint system has been altered. Old blueprints have been removed, and numerous new ones have been added.
- Crafting creates items based on the player's level.
- Relic items can now be crafted as well.
- Fusion has been removed.
- Modify has been vastly expanded with new features."
Are you aware that there's a PS4 trophy that requires Fusion? (I have it, but this is certainly relevant to others.)
Set this current order state as My default.