Content Update for Inquisitor - 2.2.0 - Nov 19


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor will be released. The updates will be applied automatically after the scheduled maintenance and when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted.

New Features

Weekly Buffs

Starting today, the Caligari Sector will have an unique bonus rotating weekly. With each freshly activated buff, players will gain an advantage in different activities. Weekly Buffs reset on Mondays with Glory.

The full list of the weekly buffs can be found here.

New Event: Edict of Termination

The Caligari Conclave has identified eight enemies of the Imperium as primary targets in need of immediate elimination. In His name they shall be obliterated from existence.

Enemies of the Imperium can now spawn instead of Villains during Missions. By defeating them, players are rewarded Fate, Credits, and gear - however, if all eight Targets are eliminated, the rewards are much more valuable - gather Favour, Loot Chests, Psalms, and Consumables!

  • Recommended Level: 50

Event Reward System

Custodian Rebus is in possession of valuable artifacts of time past, as well as powerful relics to help fighting against the enemies of the Imperium. However, he's willing to trade them for the right price. By completing various existing and upcoming Events, players are rewarded Favour that can be turned in at the Custodian in exchange for various cosmetics, consumables, auras, summons, and more!

  • Access to the Agartha Subsector is required in order to interact with Custodian Rebus.
  • Custodian Rebus is only available from Friday through Sunday at the Ormeus System.

Notable rewards include:

  • Unique Portrait Frames
  • Command Bridge Decorations
  • Footprints
  • Consumables
  • Auras
  • Summons


  • The original PvP map was visually slightly modified and new maps have been added
  • Added an Artificer Power Fist blueprint
  • Added an Artificer Phosphor Blaster blueprint
  • Added an Artificer Vivisector Claw blueprint

Fixed Bugs


  • Fixed an issue where various static objects could be highlighted in missions
  • Fixed a sound issue in the fourth Tutorial mission
  • Numerous fixes for Starmap missions
  • Fixed an issue where Mech enemy units did not drop loot in various missions
  • Fixed an issue where the Tech Adept had missing voiceovers in some campaign missions
  • Fixed a couple of camera angles in some campaign missions that occassionally caused CTD
  • Fixed some Challenges where construct kills were not counting properly

Perks, Passives, Heroic Deeds

  • Fixed the Art of Crippling Perk
  • The Opportunist Stance II perk's description got updated to better represent actual behavior
  • Corrected the description of the Stagger Exploitment perk
  • Corrected the description of the Berserker perk
  • Corrected the description of the Walking the Line Heroic Deed
  • Fixed the Grinding Through Heroic Deed
  • Fixed the Violent Addiction Heroic Deed which did not count the Adrenaline usage of the Stealth Bodysuit Armour
  • Corrected the description of the Quickening passive
  • Fixed a bug where upon using Ancient and Archeotech Personal Teleporters with the Zealous Displacement perk and the Bloodlust attribute active they did not restore HP and consumed Inoculator charges instead of class resource


  • From now on, every Psychic Power activates the Biomantic Haste passive skill


  • Fixed the Efficient Operative achievement
  • Fixed the Pawns of the Beast achievement
  • Fixed the Forged Lord achievement

Crafting and Itemization

  • Fixed some Relic Blueprint purchases that did not cost Fate as it was intended
  • Using an already known relic blueprint now properly adds additional crafting charges
  • From now on upon crafting relic Inoculators a relic enchant will properly appear on the crafted items
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in less enchants being crafted onto Archeotech Relic items
  • Fixed an issue where the Ancient relic requirement "Use booster type Inoculator component" did not count sometimes


  • Several crash fixes and stability improvements
  • Numerous localization fixes
  • Fixed the Suppression damage of some Plasma Cannon skills
  • Support Wargear renamed to Belt Equipment for consistency reasons
  • Fixed the issue where various Warzone and Tarot hazards affected the players as well
  • Fixed the Attunement milestone of the Psy Focus attribute of the Psyker
  • From now on the following units can also be properly targeted with the Sniper Rifle's Sniper Shot skill: Wave Serpent; Wind Rider; Howling Banshee Exarchs; Kastelan Robot


  • Fixed an issue where the previous battle's ID was displayed on the voting screen upon starting a battle in the Warzone


  • The 'Wear' slider under the Appearance tab can now be moved properly
  • Fixed an exploit where changing the appearance of the character could be done without spending any credits
  • Fixed an issue where the Thundering Leap skill sometimes did not work properly
  • Added several animations and illustrations for the Tutorials in the Journal
  • From now on, players can split their stacked items. By moving a stack in their inventory or stash, a window with a slider will appear


  • Tweaked the difficulty of the "Invaders on the Martyr" level and other defense missions as well
  • The Sentinel Armor skill’s (Summon Tarantula turret) had its cost reduced from 60 to 15 Zeal, its cooldown reduced to 5 seconds from 10. Range is slightly increased, and its rotation speed is increased from 63°/sec to 180°/sec
  • The Tarantula turret’s rotation speed was also increased from 63°/ sec to 180°/sec, its internal Cooldown got reduced from 3 sec to 2.2
  • The Frag Grenade had its cooldown reduced from 10 to 3 seconds, and it no longer triggers global cooldown
  • The Unholy Cathedral GUI now shows the score and the difficulty now increases after every 1 minute
  • Necromechanic turrets can now be placed freely just as tarantula turrets, they also received a spawn effect
  • The Necromechanic turret now gives 66% Damage Bonus instead of 50%; Cooldown reduction
  • Gamma turret now restores 1% HP/sec (up from 0.5%) and it now also gives 10% Damage reduction in the area.
  • Alpha turret restores 10% HP/sec (up from 5%)
  • The Toxicrene's passive cloud’s range now matches the after death poison cloud range, the after-death poison cloud’s duration was reduced to 5 seconds from 8 and is now properly visible
  • Removed "Strong vs Armored" from Lasgun equipped Tarantula turret


  • The Eradicator Assassin's initial perk has been changed to Deadshot
  • Mind Fortress now gives 5% Damage Reduction/sec (previously 3%) and stacks up to 20%
  • Runic Armour now lasts for 10 seconds (previously 5)
  • Grinder now gives a 66% Damage bonus (previously 30%)
  • Stride of the Blessed now gives 25% movement speed but also takes more (5%) Damage Reduction
  • Run and Gun Now gives 35% Damage Bonus (previously 20)
  • The Puritan perk now gives 4 energy shield/puritan points that regenerates faster than most energy shields. Works with shield related enchants. Also, while you have a shield active (any shield) players get a 25% Heat Damage Bonus
  • Tactician now only increases cooldown by 0.5 seconds while retaining all the other bonuses.
  • Berserk State: 2% Damage Bonus / stack (previously one), lasts for 2 seconds (previously 1)
  • The Radical Perk now gives a berserk token for every 5% HP lost, and now gives 0.015% bonus per radical point (previously 0.0033%)
  • The Vanquisher of the Vile perk now also gives a permanent 50% Suppression Damage Bonus
  • The Art of Crippling’s effect is increased from 50% to 80% debuff duration
  • Under Pressure’s Damage bonus is increased from 30% to 55%
  • Subdermal Mesh and Subdermal Plating’s positive Damage Reduce values has been adjusted to 20% from 10, but negative values have been increased to 7 from 3.
  • Martyrdom’s bonuses have been doubled
  • Artificial Organs' unlock requirement has been lowered to 200 inoculator uses from 2500, and added 1% of maximum class resource regeneration/sec
  • Augmented Body now also increases movement speed by 10% and it’s unlock requirements have been massively reduced
  • Opportunist Stance's ability changed to give -20% Cooldown for Skills with medium cooldown (between 4-10 sec) on Dodge move
This post was edited 5 years 34 days ago by Megapull
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Content Update for Inquisitor - 2.2.0 - Nov 19
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5 years 37 days ago
I never asked about Prophecy?? I asked when PS4 users will get patch 2.2.0 and when will the game actually be playable without horrific screen tearing and huge FPS drops.

How about you have a dedicated pinned thread for PS4 support?

5 years 48 days ago

we will have a stream next week where we will share some great news regarding Inquisitor - Prophecy's release. We will spread the exact day of when we will be online on our various platforms on the coming days so stay tuned!

5 years 49 days ago
Looks like the dev's are ignoring us PS4 players yet again!! Is it THAT difficult to give us an answer?
5 years 76 days ago

The Through the Fire and Flames mission is still crashing for me, I've sent in 6 or so crash reports to Sony about it

Pan Ipheaus

Ps4 pro

5 years 92 days ago
@BROTHER KUNDARI‍ we are planning to release a new event near the end of January which will also reward the players with Favour. Beside that a new option to get more Favours (more details will come later) will also get implemented near this period (in the end of January or in February). This is all I can confirm for now.
5 years 94 days ago
Ok, I see now in the Roadmap page, upcoming Global Event: Legends.

But that is not until 1st Quarter of ´20.

Does this mean we are not able to get anything Favour related PTS until THIS release?

Can some1 please confirm/unconfirm this and my last post?!.

5 years 97 days ago
I was suddenly thinking of this Favour Points system. I understood it as back then as it was ONLY possible to get 10 Points of Favour. And you could ONLY USE points on as many Cosmetics you could get for 10 Points. Now is the day after end of Bounty Event, and the Inquisitor Vendor having these items is still in the Agartha Sector.

Was there possible to get MORE points where I have completely missed out on here DURING the event, or was 10 Points that´s it and done with it?!

Or will there be more Events coming so it can be more Points available, or a system where it is possible to at least grind for Favour? I was able to buy meself one single item (yes, it was a very nice Command deck item) from that Vendor. I wish to be able to purchase more.

5 years 105 days ago

Understood, it's all on constructs.

How I want to expand the arsenal.

5 years 107 days ago

Are new blueprints generally available?

Ten full races with an open "blueprint chest"!

It would be better if we got a blueprint from a merchant. Too much chance is bad. And the description of the objects themselves, it’s clear that I’ll get it, but I would like specifics with game information.

5 years 110 days ago

Does this patch fix the "can't leave system" travel bug and the "can't progress main mission bug - Saving Caius Thorn", unfortunately i've been stuck with both.  The dev team attempted to fix my save, but only worked for about an hour then broke again.  Thanks!!

This comment was edited 5 years 110 days ago by Hatchet1741
5 years 111 days ago
Any ps4 ETA? Also any ETA for prophecy? Lol
5 years 111 days ago

Thanks for the update.

About this one "The Puritan perk now gives 4 energy shield/puritan points that regenerates faster than most energy shields. Works with shield related enchants. Also, while you have a shield active (any shield) players get a 25% Heat Damage Bonus", is it possible to remove the bubble around our character for something more subtle and almost invisible? I was using this perk before but no more because most of the time, I only see a big bubble with my blurry assassin inside (even in 4K with all graphic setting to max) and avoided all Shields because of this bubble that has a too strong effect/shader.

5 years 112 days ago
When will this patch be out for PS4? Or will it  not? And If so, will It fix the horrendous screen tearing and artifact flickering issues?
5 years 112 days ago
Looks great, much to do now :)

However, I'm experiencing a bug that wasn't there prior to the path: on pc using a controller the character stands still using the whirlwind attack on the arc blades. Using the directional stick doesn't do anything and any other controller key doesn't move the character while holding the whirlwind attack, either. After releasing the key, the char moves for a split second and then stands still while the cd then is active.

5 years 112 days ago
Thanks a bunch for this update. This was truly great and a pure joy to read.

Again. Thank you.

5 years 112 days ago
Big thank you for extended intel missions list! (looks like this improvenment is not listed here) :)
5 years 112 days ago

Will this patch come out on PS4 as well?