CONTENT PATCH - V0.2.1 Fast Feedback and bug reports



Bullets and Fire Rate have increased, resulting in more encouragement to take cover. Nice

Rocket launcher Marines are less likely to stun-juggle our hapless Inquisitor, resulting in the approval of displays of Sanctioned Elation

Added doodads and cover in maps have reduced framerates on my end by around 10 FPS compared to previous version at the same settings. Will probably be optimized in the future for everyone

Crafting is instant, with no crafting time regardless of item created. Artificer Arkh may need to be proscribed from interfacing with the auto-recaf. Or is an effect of the Servers?

On the bridge, clicking on Crafting (Artificer Arkh) then opening the Skills window before reaching him will result in a soft-lock of the game (stuck on the Skills menu, unable to exit or pull up other menus). This applies to both the Crusader and Assassin characters. Arkh is a very jealous Tech-Priest

Guardsmen have shown texture bugs, appearing either completely black, or showing their Slaaneshi allegiance with a riot of colours

Using mines while in cover can at times show them "throwing" one at the cursor's location


When holding the left click to move, attempting to roll while doing so will sometimes perform a bugged roll, which moves the assassin 1-2 model widths away, while forcing the assassin to move where the cursor is located

Needle Sniper Rifle DoT effects do not stack, and since the damage of the attack is front-loaded into the initial hit, means that the DoT effect is negligible at best with the current damage model

No swapping animations for when weapons are equipped. Assuming this is a placeholder

Bloodlust Attribute's Tier 3 Skill is still written as the template descriptor

Bloodlust Attribute's Tier 5 Skill has a typo in "strenght"

Thanks for the update Neocore and looking forward to even more improvements and features in the future!

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CONTENT PATCH - V0.2.1 Fast Feedback and bug reports
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7 years 309 days ago

I keep getting a network error. And then get a button to reconnect, but when I hit the button it just keeps saying network error and won't let me go any further.

7 years 310 days ago
Posted by Aquillius 7 years 311 days ago

I experienced 2 crashes on regular mission end(hitting accept and crashes after loading screen) and didn't get rewards once from investigation mission(got to the hub, but no mission reward window, the daily quest didn't progress either).

I did two different missions(purge/hunt) now and didn't get rewards at the end. No exp, items or glory. Got a bit sad, because I had purple recipe drop. Emper forgot to protect :(

7 years 310 days ago
  • Two-handed Power Axes provide no materials when salvaged
  • Floating platforms tileset makes enemies untargetable on half of map.
7 years 310 days ago

In addition to this list i am currently having an added issue with crafting concerning power levels.

Crafting and item at level 2 (both attack and defense are level 2 on my char)  but only getting level 1 stats when the item is built and claimed. 

Images to show stat change issue. Item crafted was for defense stats 17-20 but the item was only a defense stat of 8 when claimed.

7 years 310 days ago
Wow, very nice feedback guys, thanks for all the info! 

We are on the task.

7 years 310 days ago

May i add, that there are so so many enemies i can't deal with them. I started a new assasin, and in the first room i had over 90 enemies(which i could count). Overwhelming. My lvl 20 crusader couldn't finish a lvl 1 mission. Endless enemies again.

7 years 311 days ago

I experienced 2 crashes on regular mission end(hitting accept and crashes after loading screen) and didn't get rewards once from investigation mission(got to the hub, but no mission reward window, the daily quest didn't progress either).