Character Loading Error


I have been playing this game for a few days now. Now I keep getting the Character loading error, try again, or try a different character message. It only happens on my level 29 tech adept. It happened a few times before but eventually I would be able to play as him, now it has not worked for around 2 days. But my crusader, psyker, and assassin I can play without any issues. The error only shows up when I try to play as my tech adept. I linked my steam account to my neocore account both named ziljin.

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Character Loading Error
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3 years 74 days ago
Probably yes! Thanks for the additional information!
3 years 75 days ago
I crafted something out of a blueprint but i remember it wasnt any good and i sold it. also right before my character became unplayable i had just unlocked the kastelan robot and somehow accidentally got a copy of his weapon in my inventory. i sold it to the vendor, not sure if that has anything to do with it.
3 years 75 days ago
We got a pro tip: Tech-Adepts using a Construct blueprint which should no longer exist in the game eventually get this error message. We will keep digging so I would like to ask your patience in the coming period. There is something here I'm pretty sure.
3 years 76 days ago

The patch has come out but my tech adept still has the same error. i wanted to make a tech adept for the new season but now afraid to.

3 years 80 days ago
alright thank you. Hopefully it will work on Wednseday.  Tech-Adept has been the most fun summoner I have had in the action rpg genre.
3 years 80 days ago
I would like to ask you to check on the Season 4 patch coming out next Wednesday and let me know here if you still get the same character loading error message. I hope you won't.