Augmented Body II


Hi all,

I wish to bring back the old vaule of the perk "Augmented Body II", my level 92 tank now feels like level 30 assasin where more than 5 mobs can kill on the spot. I feel cheated out of the game since i can't play that char now to full extend constantly being forced out of the battle and vunerable to attacks even on Green missions because suppersion can drop... Thank Neocore my level 90 tank in which i invested so much time is now useless because you decided to change some perks round.. If you want some changes then just add a different perk with the qualities you wanted dont go deleting parts of the game..

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Augmented Body II
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4 years 230 days ago
The suppression skill tree was synergistic with this perk. It meant you only needed to focus on health since it wouldn't regen. That meant health on kill and inocculator timing was crucial. In your gear you'd focus on passives that increased stats in protected state, and then critical chance and critical hit.

Pair that with the "triple shot" doctrine in a heavy bolter and you have a really fun build, that is maybe a bit squishy but hits hard. They also changed the "triple shot" doctrine by the way.
By removing the suppression damage immunity, not only would you lose all your protected state buffs, but because you have 50% more suppression your recovery is slower.
This means much of your gear, your innoculator config, and your play style has to change since they removed that synergy with the protected state buffs.
Is it really worth investing in the Suppression skill tree if you lose all the benefits the moment you drop out of protected state, or would it be better to invest them elsewhere. In case you need a hint the answer is no, the suppression skill tree is probably pointless.

By changing this perk they've come pretty close to completely nerfing these types of "Protected State" builds. Maybe there's a way to still use the suppression skill tree effectively, but I don't care to find it.
I'm not going to reroll large amounts of my gear and find an alternate ranged crusader build, just because they changed the crucial perk that made the build work.
I'll either reroll a new a character, or <gasp>, play a different game.

4 years 256 days ago
effect on kill is something good for free but almost stupid for invest.

it might good on some enchant, especially minor one, not the major 

enchant for any gear

logic is simple: if you are not kill fast,and have enough weak enemy,

 that thing is useless, if you able to kill fast enough, you do not need

it any more.

regen suppresion on focus spend, suppression damage reduction,

suppression regen on hit, energy shield. 

those are much logical than that.

4 years 257 days ago
I never used augmended body on any of my level 100 toons and on each of them I did +10  missions or even more. So I am not the reason for the nerf ;-). I was killing so fast that iI never felt to use it. You know offense is the best defence at times...
4 years 257 days ago
Posted by Jason Yang 4 years 257 days ago
you are totally non-sense here.

nerf or change the way to handle suppression could be reasonable.

but the enchant you metioned is completly shit.

it totally useless in 10+ level mission and boss fight.

it only result you trumble like rat in hunt mission,

while elite take you half hp and suppresion, you have no way to recover

and not way to run.

Ok, i am non-sense. 

So, for what should i look forward to keep me alive during high level missions. 

I would like to improve.

4 years 257 days ago
It was totally broken before the patch, completely negating a core mechanic of the game. Now you have to balance some stats so that your suppression bar doesn't get shot to shit. 

Look at new stat Suppression Resist Damage Reduce, which is like DR for the suppression bar.  Also there's a passive in the Debuff tree that returns suppression if you knockdown or stun an enemy.

I've done hardest content (on non-seasonal character) with these new changes, it's not as faceroll as before but it's not impossible either.

4 years 257 days ago
you are totally non-sense here.

nerf or change the way to handle suppression could be reasonable.

but the enchant you metioned is completly shit.

it totally useless in 10+ level mission and boss fight.

it only result you trumble like rat in hunt mission,

while elite take you half hp and suppresion, you have no way to recover

and not way to run.

4 years 258 days ago

I can understand you, but ABII was to strong, atleast in my opinion. 

I play an melee crusader and thought at first it would become unplayable, but thats not the case, atleast for me. BUT i had luck with my weapon, and you should look for a weapon with the "HP and Suppression gained on Kill equal to +100% the killing blow's Damage" enchantment.  It can be found on 1h and 2h melee weapons atleast.

This will negate your problems.

Best of luck, hope you will still have fun with the game

This comment was edited 4 years 258 days ago by Tubben
4 years 259 days ago

True, however if a player wanted to utilise cover i'd pick a heavy gunner, or assasin to run to cover etc, i picked a strong melee character to play melee, now i cant realy fight close combat from afar in cover can I. I can't take on whole massive group of mobs only looking out for my health. If im building supression on hit , supersion on kill etc , other stats will take a hit, therefore forcing me to play a different character all togheter. If i wanted to fight from a distance or a few mobs at once and run to cover i;d pick a different character. 

I agree that there will be ways to get round it, just as there were before , i'm just not comfortable being forcefully pushed into different categories or play styles. If you used this perk only for a while like you said, then u are already used to those "other" playstyles, whilst other players spent a lot more with this perk and were happy with the way it allowed them to play the game. I realise this is only 1 perk so it shouldnt be a problem however it's like perma-banning certain players just because they have  yellow in their avatars...

"You need to take a step back and rethink your approach to the game and your character" - I was perfectly happy to play the game they way i wanted to play it thank you very much, 

4 years 259 days ago
I can understand why they've changed it - although I think they change too many things at once, too drastically - but if it was a keystone in a build then it requires a lot of changes to gear to make up for it, and that cost time and resources.. so yeah it's understandable if some might be a bit annoyed, even if there are ways around it. It's going to take time and resources to adjust a build that was utilizing it.

Perhaps if some things are being used mroe than others, make the others better rather than make the good thing not as good.

4 years 259 days ago
The amount of people screaming and whinging because this perkw as chaanged and how unplayable their game is is insane.

Before today, I had 585 hours of gameplay to my name.

At 560 hours, I used Augmented Body 2 for the first time.

Builds work just fine without it, there are other ways to mitigate suppression loss, some of which are you utilising the cover mechanics to fill your suppression bar back up faster, just like the cover systemw as used in 1.0, but even then, suppression on hit, suppression regeneration, focused state, suppression on kill, all of these things existed before the nerf and all of them made playing any build perfectly viable.

You need to take a step back and rethink your approach to the game and your character. It's still perfectly viable, you just have to adapt to it.