Attributes resets


This is not a gamebreaking one, but it´s a bit annoying. Every now and then the Attributes Points just resets, and you need to distribute them all over again. Been happening many, many times this. I will at least say it has happened me 10+ times over the last week now. It is just strange.

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Attributes resets
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4 years 229 days ago
Great. Thx. 
4 years 231 days ago
@BOROGOVE‍  is right we fixed the bug and will implement the changes with the next PC patch!
4 years 232 days ago
Then it shall be corrected by next patch we will get, yes.



4 years 233 days ago
This is a longstanding and understandably bothersome bug. I definitely feel your pain. That said, last I heard, Neocore had identified the bug and corrected it internally, so there may be hope that we'll see it righted soon.

Not a developer, though, so take my opinion with a hefty grain of salt.