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Season of the Inferno
Warhammer 40K NewsInquisitors!
We're proud to announce our newest free update titled Season of the Inferno, coming to Warhammer 40,00: Inquisitor - Martyr and Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Prophecy.
The main new features are seasonal characters and seasonal ladders, while the theme of the update revolves around a central theme of fire. The update also includes new gameplay balance changes and the Zircon Void Crusade.
New buffs and spells, challenging quests and exciting rewards await - who will be the one to ascend the highest on the ladder and complete all Tier Objectives?
Welcome to the Inferno
Season of the Inferno will be built around one of the most primal elements - fire. Are you going to strike down on the enemies of the Emperor with righteous flame, or will you be the one to be burned? This is for you to decide. The fiery theme will be present across the entire game for ladder characters, from the selection screen to the deepest Nurgle-infested nests.
Ignite the heretics with sacred flame
The fire of the purgatory flows through every ladder character in the Season of the Inferno. You will have a chance to light enemies on fire with every hit and spell, dealing damage to them. The chance for this to proc will increase with each challenge tier to complete during the season.
Go on a blazing rampage
Not only can you use fire to destroy, but with enough resilience, you will learn to tame it and turn it into fuel. Upon killing an enemy with one of the seasonal effects active on them, you will earn a stacking buff which will grant you increased HP regeneration, movement speed and heat resistance. This effect will also scale with your progress throughout the seasonal challenges.
Beware of fire
You're not the only one taking advantage of the fiery havoc - enemies will also have a chance to inflict the same Inferno damage onto you. Moreover, several units on each map will combust upon death, dealing heavy damage in their vicinity.
You will also come across Inferno Shrines in missions, which increase the chance of these AoE explosions. Use them with caution!
Carry the torch
Of course, the fiery theme will be present outside of direct combat too. On release, we will be adding a new weekly buff to the rotation which increases your heat resistance and heat damage. You will also be able to find unique Inferno gear, as well as Shards and Runes over the duration of the ladder.
Climb the fiery ladder
For an additional layer of challenge, Season of the Inferno will offer several objectives, completing which will grant progress divided into 5 different tiers. Upon advancing into a higher tier, you will gain extra effect to your seasonal buffs, and at the conclusion of the period, you will be able to access a better reward. These rewards range from discounts at merchants to Void Shards, Fate points and items, so make sure to do as many of the objectives as possible!
The update will be available to everyone owning a copy of Inquisitor - Martyr or Inquisitor - Prophecy – completely free. Ladder characters start from level 1 and can’t access inventories and currencies of regular characters. At the end of the season, ladder characters will be converted to regular characters.
Season of Inferno will be released later on June 25, a bit later on consoles.
A more in-depth, detailed description is available now in the Compendium.
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I cant do this "tribute of the omnissiah" Tier I season quest.
It's bugged, or i miss something?
What can i need to do exactly ?
The scores you see are coming from the completed objectives but it is important to know that in higher tiers the objectives will be worth more points. Cabal members cannot split the objectives to earn points faster.
You can definitely get on the Hall of Heroes leaderboard within this timeframe.
With already another Lvl97 Character I know that some of the Objectives on Tier 5 will be extremely hard to achieve. With many of the tasks on Tier 5 I´m struggling with the Lvl97 I already have. (No, this Lvl97 is not a Ssn Character if anyone should wonder)
But what is the criteria needed to get on the Hall of Heroes list? Since I already see Cabal names and members on that list already.
Because what I at least thought, was that you needed to have completed ALL Tier 4 Objectives to get on Heroes list. But I see also now that upon completing Objectives yuo earn Points on completing Objectives on it´s own. So I guess reach a certain number of Points and you get Hall of Heroes position.
Well, my goal is to be on that list. Will I make it? Time will show. The true HARD Tasks starts on Tier 4.
The scores you see are coming from the completed objectives but it is important to know that in higher tiers the objectives will be worth more points. Cabal members cannot split the objectives to earn points faster.
You can definitely get on the Hall of Heroes leaderboard within this timeframe.
@BROTHER KUNDARI Yes, we did so already:)
@THEWITCHBLADE we introduced a new enchant type 'XP bonus' with which the leveling will be easier. It definitely worth a try!
The Season of the Inferno will last at least a couple of months so that everyone will have chance to unlock even the 5th tier objectives!
Wonder what that enchantment unlock requirements will be!!! :)
To address concerns about keeping newer players:
As a newer player myself, (3.5 weeks into the game lvl 63 soon!)- my above are my concerns. Having to remake an entirely new charector vs. using the one I have and then reliving the same exact story over (repetitive), whilst dealing with the grind *and* tossing my current charector I put so much time into, is not going to keep me or other new players around. It disregards our efforts. If they could have integrated the seasonal stuff for *all* charectors, it may be of interest. That being said I will still try it- but if just throwing charectors away becomes the normative requirement to participate in seasons, I will take my time elsewhere.
Once you have acquired Uther's Tarot (a few hours worth of story missions), you can then do side missions to level up. There's a huge variety of side missions, and with the Tarot, you can tailor them to your liking. As far as I can tell, there are no further season objectives in the story beyond Uther's Tarot.
it better to wait the build diverstiy is more reasonable and many under-performance
weapon got improved.
if you really need hugging with your groups, go play destiny 2.
Please tell me what is the duration of the season?
But how the F´ng F is this even possible to have that much at all? Is it based first on Accounts names and then on Cabals with a bunch of people that is represented as a whole? So for example there is 5 people in one single Cabal/Club/Guild, and each one is having (let´s say) 15 objectives done each. Is that then showed on the Leaderboard as 75 pts?
Because for an individual it is completely IMPOSSIBLE to have a score like it is. All 5 Tiers includes 72 or so Objectives. So, I´m wondering. What the F is going on?
And then me. As a single individual. When and IF AT ALL I manage to complete all 5 Tiers & Challenges. Will I even have a chance of getting on the Hall of Fame list?
Could you be a bit more specific please?
I do at least assume 2 months, but at least more like 4 months. But could it be more like 3 months? 5 months perhaps?
I did hope this was mentioned exactly in the official presentation, but I did not find any info on it.
And personally, I know I will struggle with Challenges within Tier 4. And Tier 5?? Ohh my. Those are seriously hard.
@BROTHER KUNDARI Yes, we did so already:)
@THEWITCHBLADE we introduced a new enchant type 'XP bonus' with which the leveling will be easier. It definitely worth a try!
The Season of the Inferno will last at least a couple of months so that everyone will have chance to unlock even the 5th tier objectives!
To address concerns about keeping newer players:
As a newer player myself, (3.5 weeks into the game lvl 63 soon!)- my above are my concerns. Having to remake an entirely new charector vs. using the one I have and then reliving the same exact story over (repetitive), whilst dealing with the grind *and* tossing my current charector I put so much time into, is not going to keep me or other new players around. It disregards our efforts. If they could have integrated the seasonal stuff for *all* charectors, it may be of interest. That being said I will still try it- but if just throwing charectors away becomes the normative requirement to participate in seasons, I will take my time elsewhere.
Lets wait for the final patch- and release-notes. Only ~2 days left...*mini-hype*
I agree with most of your concerns. Besides working, sleeping, eating, every-day-houshold-stuff and social-interactions there is only so much time to invest into a game for "normal-human-GAMER-beeings". I am happy about every improvement to the game and the increase in content. But i am no friend of tedious-grinding especially with a "time-limit" attached. I play to have fun and relax from work, not to be put under pressure/stress.
Yes, i will play the inferno-season. But if every season involves new chars and another playthrough of the storyline the amount of seasons i will play is bound to be very few and/or the playtime will be fairly limted.
As for new content, the 40K universe has so much to offer. I hope get to see some orcs in the future. But top priority should always be bugfixing and QoL-improvements.
I fully concur. Bug fixes, QoL, and glitches first. I am on my forat playthrough with a tech adept. The new class fits my playstyle and was what drew me to purchase. I love it! The game is awesome for sure. I too, will try the new season but being newerish (lvl 62)- I am working on maxing my main. Now from what I understand I have to throw him away to enjoy seasonal stuff as he cant use seasonal buffs/gear, or participate in the events? That last line is a *super* bummer. I worked soooo hard at this charector and am almost 63 (the lvl up Exp grind is real in this game!). Id be soooo ok with the exp grind being and remaining, the same; if my charector I am putting ao much time into, could enjoy the seasonal stuff too! Now its like 3 weeks were wasted if I want to enjoy this update, to make a brand new charector when it drops. That is also, without regard to the fact my main will have to be either put on hold now (for how long?),or totally disregarded, if I wish to enjoy the seasonal stuff. That is part of the bummer of the update and its restrictiveness.
So ike you say, if every single season requires that level of a grind and that disregard to charectors we put time and effort into, to be completely tossed away: it will be very unlikely I would keep playing as well. I am also one who does not like reliving the same exact story and experience reptitively, even if it is just *slightly* modified by seasonal modifiers. Now if that delved into the current stuff I was engaged in challenge wise with modifiers, or had a new story that my current charector could do, or even challenges with my current and coming up content- then it would be sooooo much more enjoyable or exciting to have coming soon/dropping soon.
It's a bit much to say they've "spat in your face" by adding some free content that isn't exactly what you personally wanted. It's not what I would have wanted either to be honest, compared to other things they could have done, but I think I can see why they've chosen to do it, and I can see a benefit to it.
Maybe if they can attract new blood and keep them, that small hardcore playerbase will become larger? Some of them will stick around anyway, like me... and then hopefully eventually they add some other stuff for not-new players to do as well, and sort out some of the obvious problems that it has.
They have been doing what I said forever now. They not only got rid of the good stuff (some of which became good only in retrospect, like the old WZ), but they also haven't given the hardcore players a single thing they've been wanting for a long time.
Here is the list of essentials (not even gonna bother including other important stuff which SHOULD have been in the game two years ago):
1) an end-game
2) end-game items
3) end-game difficulty
4) end-game coop
For the past few months, all I have been doing is logging in at night to purchase Ordos mats and some relics. The game bores me to tears. There is literally nothing worthwhile to do (gameplay wise).
It's a bit much to say they've "spat in your face" by adding some free content that isn't exactly what you personally wanted. It's not what I would have wanted either to be honest, compared to other things they could have done, but I think I can see why they've chosen to do it, and I can see a benefit to it.
Maybe if they can attract new blood and keep them, that small hardcore playerbase will become larger? Some of them will stick around anyway, like me... and then hopefully eventually they add some other stuff for not-new players to do as well, and sort out some of the obvious problems that it has.
The hardcore players ARE the ones keeping this game alive. Look at the numbers...those few hundred are not rotating casuals...
The fact that Neocore has spit in the faces of its most loyal players is a sign of things to come...
If they don't care about the ones that like this game the MOST, then do you really think they're going to care about noobs?
Having said all that...who knows...maybe the other content being added tomorrow will somehow be amazing.
I mean, the foundation for some interesting content development already exists.
Just look at the final boss fight in Prophecy. It’s an encounter with three phases, some interesting (never seen before, in this game at least) mechanics. How hard could it be to develop a Single- and multiplayer Void Crusade with a boss fight like as the final mission? Instead of just throwing Purges, Hunts etc. at us, making Crusades no different than running countless of Intels or Story Missions, introduce some meaningful, challenging, encounters like boss fights (small bosses for every stage that leads to a new difficulty level, as a test whether you are ready for difficulty increases) and a big fight at the end (Supreme Mission). That would at least convey a sense of accomplishment rather than replicating the grind-party found everywhere else in this game. It can’t be so hard. Create a new character out of the lore, give him substantial more life, attach some mechanics like you did with the boss fight in Prophecy, and Voila, you created something new, more engaging, strategic, and social (multiplayer). I am not a programmer, but for me, something like that sounds less of work than implementing seasons that are nothigg by else but yet again repackaged material.
The same goes for missions where you can jump into a tank and destroy everything in your way. Instead of making the tank invincible, make us use it with caution and playable outside of the story campaign.
In Void Crusades, simply double enemy health, damage dealt, or whatsoever, for each party member and let the community decide with whom and how many they want to enjoy this particular content.
These are just two out of many existing elements Neocore that wouldn’t be that time-consuming and costly, wouldn’t it?
Like some of the comments already pointed out, this “season” type of thing, without new (real) challenges, diversity, and some sort of end-game content seems to be more satisfying for players new to the game than for veterans. It’s financial suicide (and suicide for the Image of Neocore and our trust) if you invest in new (potential) players (in order to improve sales) while at the same time give the impression that you give a damn about whether veterans or new players are going to play your game (and continue investing into it) in the long run. At some point, new players lose interest to continue purging and hunting just to partake in the tedious leveling of characters as a means to an end (I.e reaching lvl100). Once you are maxed out, there is nothing else left in this game but to create a new character, rinse and repeat. I can’t imagine how that could be a sustainable gaming-model.
I know, these things are perhaps easier said than done. But all Neocore has to do is to think creative and utilize the things that are already part of the game and “alter” them, rather than finding an “easy way out” through copy-pasting ideas from other games or their very own content. Don’t forget, It’s as easy for us to find easy way out. Believe me, you don’t want that.
How would things like storage work, would you have a separate storage with 3 empty tabs, or the same storage with any current items "locked"?
How would it work if you unlocked something like a passive tree or perk on seasonal character, and then after when it ends, would it stay unlocked once returning to "normal", assuming it was not unlocked before?
Would the season specific enchants continue to work after the season ends?
If you were to do something from a higher tier challenge before you complete the previous tier, would it still count - for example if I unlocked the rerolling feature, a requirement for Tier II, before I completing Tier 1, would that register, as it's somethnig that can only be done once.
The patch will likely to be out around 5 PM (CEST) but this is not yet certain so don't take the 5 PM for granted.
Any idea what time this is dropping on 6/25? Also, by no contact with previous characters.. does that also include currently unlocked skill trees? For example, if I need to unlock the Heat tree, do I need to blow up another 50 explosive barrels again?
There is almost a 0% chance I'm starting a seasonal character. I think they'll probably release the new ancient relics as part of this Thursday patch, so at least there's that. Hopefully there's more...
Also, when are we going to get co-op end-game content + good rewards?
Lets wait for the final patch- and release-notes. Only ~2 days left...*mini-hype*
I agree with most of your concerns. Besides working, sleeping, eating, every-day-houshold-stuff and social-interactions there is only so much time to invest into a game for "normal-human-GAMER-beeings". I am happy about every improvement to the game and the increase in content. But i am no friend of tedious-grinding especially with a "time-limit" attached. I play to have fun and relax from work, not to be put under pressure/stress.
Yes, i will play the inferno-season. But if every season involves new chars and another playthrough of the storyline the amount of seasons i will play is bound to be very few and/or the playtime will be fairly limted.
As for new content, the 40K universe has so much to offer. I hope get to see some orcs in the future. But top priority should always be bugfixing and QoL-improvements.
If you could judge a game's health by the amount of comments on the thread of a news release to a major update a game has, this game looks pretty grim.
While the update is awesome, players want: new story and possible classes. (We'd pay for that like Prophecy). New enemies to fight. More co-op potential, meaningful rewards to match meaningful challenges.
Free is cool, and we all DO appreciate the game being kept alive- but restarting a charector from scratch, and only allowing *that* char. to participate in seasons and use seasonal buffs/gear, is a bit of a downer for sure.
Some of us (cant speak for all) work a lot, and use this game to enjoy a single charector (maybe a few tertiaries for fun, too- just not taken as serious as our main), and only effectively work to level and gear up the one to max. Making a second or third sounds like a challenge in its own right to level up, and I just do not have time for that between being a Mailman and my family. Not complaining just notating that much of what the season offers, whilst free: is resteictive even to a degree, for those with a ton of free time. For those of us with limited gaming capacity, it makes me question why try when possibility of success to achieve higher tiers is further restrictive?
Can I also notate that no game I have EVER played made me create a char. *just for* seasonal content solely? That's wild in it's own right and mildly upsetting. (Especially so late in the release cycle), it has always been optional to make a charector revolving around the new expac.
There is *so much* to 40k lore that can be explored with a game of this style- from battling other factions like Tau, to other epic known groups that may come into play like Red Fists or Space Wolves, or say an open space warzone- that friends can link up in, and deal with say an Orc threat that *keeps growing stronger and stronger* as the battle goes on. Maybe do it like Warzones? Even a Tyranid invasion would fit that bill too!
Why go in this direction, if I may inquire as a sole gamer in the bigger picture, when there is so much more to 40k that can be fit into a game like this, and a lot of such stuff we would be willing to pay for as it is meaningful, additive to the experience, and encourages group play (even a challenge for solo players really).
Would be cool to play as a Sisters of Battle, or Imperial First or something too. (Random thought on new class playstyle- Im sure many many many others exist!).
Even a side story involving a Tau/Tyr/Orc threat leading into one of the aforementioned battle modes would be beyond epic: and fitting. No matter our efforts it only attracted the Orc Legions, for example. What a twist something like that would be! Or say a new Void Crusade that involved saving a system planet by planet from a Tyranid threat?
Not knocking this at all, just curious why of all the possible directions this game could take to make it unique and stay true to 40k ( which would make it way better than games like Diablo in many ways to us all), it would choose to be restrictive, limiting, tedious sounding, time soaking to the extreme, with no real new filler content vs. time soaked fluff?
Also, when are we going to get co-op end-game content + good rewards?
So I wish for the Devs Team to also heed the call and once a month or perhaps twice a month... and inbetween, they should during this Inferno Season, add some spices, add a bit of Candy, put some sweet Ice Cream on, and then they should add a few thin layers of Sugarcoats on. Just to keep the playerbase hungry for more.
On the other side of things, the amount of stuff we "need to do" is quite a lot so i will probably engage in ingame-activitys that i avoided or ignored until now. I just cant decide what character i am going to play... o_O
Cool story Neocore Bros,
You put minimum development effort in the season (like a new storyline in previous ones) and all the workload is on the playerbase.
You just make some buffs and tweaks, wipe the progress and we cry yeah!
Since we are allowed to relive the glorious leveling experience.
But we should cry 'ouch' since your butt hurts from what you doing here...
I wonder how large the playerbase of this game still is, for sure it will make some veterans pass.
You try to copy D3 and thats total clear to everyone with a brain now, but as I already pointed out you dont seem to understand why seasons in D3 work.
Its because leveling phase is very short there and you right into action of the endgame. But all your season IS leveling!
Its a test of time for unemployed people. But a game should be fun.
Time is the most precious value nowadays and you expect ppl to waste time on the same boring stuff over and over because of some minor rewards and buffs?
Think about it, or play the goals that you set yourself. No? Nvm then...
R-I-P. Terminus EST.....
Another excellent post.
0 imagination/effort went into this season.
It's 99% stuff that already exists (which would be OK if the existing stuff was fun, but it's not) + endless grind.
Copy & paste...just like the events.
Back to D3...
Cool story Neocore Bros,
You put minimum development effort in the season (like a new storyline in previous ones) and all the workload is on the playerbase.
You just make some buffs and tweaks, wipe the progress and we cry yeah!
Since we are allowed to relive the glorious leveling experience.
But we should cry 'ouch' since your butt hurts from what you doing here...
I wonder how large the playerbase of this game still is, for sure it will make some veterans pass.
You try to copy D3 and thats total clear to everyone with a brain now, but as I already pointed out you dont seem to understand why seasons in D3 work.
Its because leveling phase is very short there and you right into action of the endgame. But all your season IS leveling!
Its a test of time for unemployed people. But a game should be fun.
Time is the most precious value nowadays and you expect ppl to waste time on the same boring stuff over and over because of some minor rewards and buffs?
Think about it, or play the goals that you set yourself. No? Nvm then...
R-I-P. Terminus EST.....
Presumably they intend to put the info up when the stuff is actually in the game, which makes sense.
If I had to choose, if I would have start all over again and go through the slow levelling process yet another time or have my kneecaps slowly removed with an angle-grinder - I would have to think twice...
Hopefully levelling-speed and droprates are raised in the season, otherwise I don't see the point to go back from Level 100 to Level 1 and spend months of levelling up again.
Cool story Neocore Bros,
You put minimum development effort in the season (like a new storyline in previous ones) and all the workload is on the playerbase.
You just make some buffs and tweaks, wipe the progress and we cry yeah!
Since we are allowed to relive the glorious leveling experience.
But we should cry 'ouch' since your butt hurts from what you doing here...
I wonder how large the playerbase of this game still is, for sure it will make some veterans pass.
You try to copy D3 and thats total clear to everyone with a brain now, but as I already pointed out you dont seem to understand why seasons in D3 work.
Its because leveling phase is very short there and you right into action of the endgame. But all your season IS leveling!
Its a test of time for unemployed people. But a game should be fun.
Time is the most precious value nowadays and you expect ppl to waste time on the same boring stuff over and over because of some minor rewards and buffs?
Think about it, or play the goals that you set yourself. No? Nvm then...
R-I-P. Terminus EST.....
Just finished reading/skimming through the new season info. I'm not going to participate. It's just another grind fest, which, in this game, is not fun/rewarding at all.
I'll stick to my only character.
And woW. This IS going to be HARD. I mean, come on. Seriously.
Some of those Challenges within the higher Tiers, is some seriously hard nuts to crack. Some of those Challenges I would even have a hard time completing with the Character I already am having and playing, which so far is Lvl 96. Almost 97.
And some of the Challenges I can´t say is nothing but impossible, unless we get some kind of bonuses along the way that can even those odds out a little.
On the other side of things, the amount of stuff we "need to do" is quite a lot so i will probably engage in ingame-activitys that i avoided or ignored until now. I just cant decide what character i am going to play... o_O
I also do hope the rewards keeps me interested long enough to keep me stickied and playing to make me want to get it.
I also do remember it was mentioned that Character slots (2) WILL be added extra during this.
And when reading through this I was also hoping to read something in the likes of and with Fire Warrior. But no, oh well.
Other then that I think I know what kind of Character I do wish to make, for this to use.
Seriously, leave Diablo 3 being Diablo 3 and come up with something more engaging. In Diablo 3, at least, despite the cheating problem, you have existing, engaging, multiplayer endgame, which is worthwhile creating a new char every now and then. Martyr has nothing alike. Warzones have become a waste of time, Void Crusades is a repackaged single-player only activity, and every other existing element of this game is more about investing enough time rather than developing skill in order to climb up the various leaderboards (for no rewards, to say the least).
Implement some meaningful, engaging, single- and, especially, multiplayer endgame content first. Then we are talking. Then it makes sense to go through the repetitive pain of leveling up a char from scratch because it’s worth the time. Until then, I am out, and so are all the people I played with and hoped to play with for a very long time. Nobody in my friend list is keen to put in so much time and effort for no reward in the end other than cosmetics. We want competition and group-based endgame!
At least coop for all the game.
Set this current order state as My default.