Agartha Subsector


How do we unlock the Agartha Subsector?

It's also linked to ana chievement in steam but I've no idea how to do it and would love to know how.

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Agartha Subsector
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4 years 282 days ago

Turns out I have it unlocked on my main character but the steam achievment just never triggered. I guess thats an excuse for another character play through. :)

4 years 283 days ago
After completing the base campaign, Ragna will have a conversation with you on the bridge about a new investigation - The Drukhari campaign - so you should have an active campaign mission. In case you cannot see it please let us know your account name and we will check your character.
4 years 283 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 4 years 284 days ago
To unlock the Agartha Subsector you need to complete the Drukhari campaign and start the Khorne campaign's first chapter. The Subsector will open if you completed the Awakenings investigation's first mission.
Which campaigns are those? I bought all the DLC available and have played since 1.0 (albeit only came back a month ago but have been playing all month as I'm finding it relaxing currently). I have 4 of the dlc prioritya ssignments to go still, presumably those are the campaigns being spoken about? If not how do you do each campaign? I currently have a level 97 radical crusader as my main so, yeah. 
4 years 284 days ago
To unlock the Agartha Subsector you need to complete the Drukhari campaign and start the Khorne campaign's first chapter. The Subsector will open if you completed the Awakenings investigation's first mission.
4 years 285 days ago

you must to reach a certain level (i dont remember which). A Khorn story mission will appear in this sector.

This comment was edited 4 years 285 days ago by Rigg