• Active 8 years 39 days ago
  • Joined 8 years 45 days ago
  • United States
About Me

My name is Jacob. I've been an avid enthusiast of Warhammer 40,000 since my first notice of it during Dawn of War Dark Crusade. Since then I've read the lore and play many other WH40K games. I never could afford getting into the tabletop so I've never experienced that. Aside from that, I'm a part of the MAD Nomads Warhammer Community http://themadnomads.com/ I am the 10th Company Captain, in charge of recruitment and training of those join our Chapter. Should you find yourself interested, then please send me a message and I'll get back to you, or join our site and put in an application if that is something you're looking for. We're also active on other 40K games like Deathwing, Eternal Crusade, and Space Marine, as well as other non-40k related games such as Rainbow Six Siege, Conan Exiles, and many others.