XB1X Bug - Cannot Talk to Store NPC After Replaying Campaign Missions


XB1X Platform

Description & Background: I completed the Campaign to the final credits. Afterwards, I saw a Campaign Mission on the Star Map to replay the mission using the tank, and then I was able to replay some of the Campaign Missions up to the start of the Moon missions. Ms. Wynter runs through her dialogue about how this moon is unknown. After her dialogue there is no further Campaign Mission in the Star Map, and she shows the green exclamation point above her head. I am no longer able to interact with her to start the dialogue or to view her store to sell/buy items. 

Is this a known bug, and how do I fix this so I can continue to play my main character?


41 Crusader

Store Page
6 years 158 days ago
May I ask your Gamertag and the character's name which stuck?
6 years 161 days ago
Hi, I have the same bug, devs are supposed to release online script that should fix this bug, I'm waiting for like 3-4 days now... sooo, guess we gave to be patient

btw, leave your GT/PSN name and Inqusitor name - supposedly it's important for the fix

6 years 161 days ago
Alot of us are running into the same issue post patch. I am stuck also, no shop to purchse/sell and cannot further progress.

XBOXID: WifeSaysImToOld

Character Name: Locutis

Platform: Xbox

Been waiting since hours after patch released, still stuck...