Wrong enemy type on Tarrot mission


Hi There and sorry for the bad english.

I have found one bug on the uthers tarot:

The tarrot card "unclean One" gives not the nurgle type enemys. it gives me every time the Wordbearers.

see on the folloing screenshot:

Here the cards i have chosen and we see the type of enemys in the card discritpion is Nurgle:

And starting the mission:

And we see the word Bearer Enemys!

Here an Word Bearer Havoc With rebel Companions:

And here an Helbrute from the Word Bearers.

I have test it 3 times, and every time the same.

Thanks Your Bolt Thrower.

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Wrong enemy type on Tarrot mission
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6 years 74 days ago
As we checked most of the enemy units are consist of Nurgle enemies but indeed there are some units among them which are not Nurgle types!