Death augury issue, Enhanced effect rune, Floating texts, Precognition and other


Section 1. To begin with, i faced some seriuos issues with Death augury (DA) skill for Psyker. This issue can be divided in 2 parts:

1) Campaign. Any cut-scene, dialog, cogitator interaction in campaign disables your DA skill. What is more, it is shown as it is working, however, your can reduce warp heat beyond capped value (which caps when you activate DA) AND it doesn't saves from death. Basically, after every cut-scene or dialog, or damn cogitator-reading-scene, you are required to recast DA, which could be pain in the ass, since it has long cooldown and often is located on the 2nd set of weaponry.

2) Now thats where shit has got real. This issue concerns any mission. When your character suffer STUN, KNOCKBACK and KNOCKDOWN status, your DA disables.

Simple example:

In what situations you need DA? Basically, you need it for buffs (speed and\or damage or any other, it depends for playstyle) AND to survive when you are being smashed into pieces by some elites\bosses.

On levels with ~+200% damage suffered and lower (~-70% damage dealt) DA almost never triggers since you are capable of either 1-shotting enemies or killing them actually pretty fast. Provided that, your suppression meter almost always in green zone (with rare occurances of yellow\red).

However when your are going for +400-600 mission (which i mostly do) which have from -85 to -99% damage dealt and +350% and higher damage suffered, your suppression bar falls to yellow\red zone pretty often. And you especially need DA in such situations. But guess what? You fighting with some guys, receive stun, recover, realize that inoculator on CD and you are dying, start run away, duy. Because after that exact moment of stun your DA disabled (although showing it is active).

Say hello to Scourge guys (dark eldar faction) who like to spawn in groups of 2-4 and stun-lock you for ages (because your suppression meter never goes up).

So, the question is: if it is intended, please state this info in skill description. If not, please fix this.

Section 2. Now, there is another problem regarding "Enhanced effect rune" (Increases skill effectiveness). Basically, it doesn't show skill enhancement when placed in such skill as "Precognition", "Death augury" (curses upon this skill :D), "Haemorrhage", "Endurance", "Warp speed" and "Precognitive dodge". Why i think that this rune works fine with abovelisted skills? Well, i tested them (except from dodge because it's kind of difficult to test this). They indeed ARE enhanced (although not increasing numbers in "Psychic powers").

However, there is a skill "Misfortune", which decreases heave armor to armor, armor to no armor. In mission this buff is represented with "-40 armor" value. The question is, whether Enhanced effect rune enhances this skill or not (e.g. heavy armor decreases to no armor). Because if not, then this rune is useless for this skill and should be disabled (This rune can't be used with this Power). OR it may decrease a bigger percentage of armor (e.g. whithout this rune heavy armor reduced to 100% armor, whit this rune it reduced to 65% of armor).

Hope to receive an answer from devs.

Section 3. Another issue (probably someone already had this, i dont know). Despite from having "Floating battle info" and "Battle floating texts" boxes checked (actually, i have all boxes checked except from "Hit marker" LUL), 95% of time i DONT SEE THIS NUMBERS AND TEXTS. It is a rare occurence to see how much damage i do and receive. Same goes for pickups, almost all the time i dont know, what was picked up from the crates, since it doesnt show the text.

Probably this is because i play on lowest possible video precets: lowest settings, 640x480, with Disabled camera shakes, Full screen. Cause i dont have access to my PC atm and play from notebook.

EDIT 1: just has done some testing, the results are: ALL floating text is visible, when monsters are on the left side of the screen. When monsters in the middle or right side, floating text magically disappears.

EDIT 2: ALL floating texts are visible when playing on 1280x720 resolution or higher. Lower resolution is bugged as mentioned before.

640x480 resolution:

1280x720 resolution: all damage, heals and other effects are visible

Section 4. The skill description of "Precognition" clearly states that after being hit, skill DURATION is reduced by 5 secs (which is indeed true). However, buff icon states that after being hit, skill DAMAGE REDUCTION is reduced by 5%. (which is also true, as i made some testing and with full precog i received almost none damage. However, after some hits damage received is increasing. Damage testing is made with the same monster).

So, can you guys fix the skill description, so it properly states what happens after you are hit. Or is it a bug?

Section 5.Skulltaker (enemy from 3rd subsector) seems to be RESISTANT TO CRITS. I have a crit build but this guy received 0 crits from me (like 20-30 hits, all damage numbers are white, not yellow). Thats actually could be an issue as other same elites die pretty fast but this guy takes 2-3 times more hits. The question is: is this the feature or a bug? Would be kind of interesting to have monsters resistant to crits, but we need to know if they exist and which ones exactly.

Section 6. "Death augury" skill (when it is actually working), as it is stated in skill description, adds 65 heat on triggering. In reality, it doesn't add heat at all + it is not disabled upon triggering (i dont know whether this is intended or not). My suggestion how the skill should work: upon triggering skill checks, if "current warp heat value" + "65 warp heat value" <= "max warp heat value", then "activate" (i.e. it triggers, saves the character, adds warp heat AND continues working), if not then "not activate". If "not activate", if "character survives", then "skill continues working", if not (i.e. character dies), then "skill deactivates".

Section 7. Bug with "Symbiosis" rune. As intended (at least, thats what i believe, correct me if im mistaken), the rune simply shares buffs effect (duration and actual effect) with nearby allies (i.e. creates a zone around the psyker, IN which allies receives buffs, OUTSIDE don't, as well as sharing warp heat penalties in case of Death augury and Precognition). However, this is how it works: psyker casts buffs, they are APPLIED ONLY ON NEARBY ALLIES (not on actual psyker), DOESN'T HAVE INCREASED DURATION AND BUFFS (as if casting skills with no runes and no perks), AND IF ALLY WAS TOO FAR, IT WON'T BE APPLIED ON THIS ALLY UNTIL YOU RECAST BUFFS.

Thank you for your response in advance!

This post was edited 6 years 77 days ago by sunlix
Store Page
6 years 74 days ago

The problem with Stun , Nockback and nokdown i can confirm!

the same is on me.

with no stunning and the othjer croud control death argury works. after stun etc. i must recast it.

i have edit screenshots on my owne post to that here:

6 years 74 days ago

the recast from death argury i will check on my owne psyker. thanks for the  thread.

This comment was edited 6 years 74 days ago by Van Bolt Thrower
6 years 76 days ago

Have a question for a responsible staff: should i continue posting here (on this website) or should i go to ?

6 years 77 days ago
Added Section 6 and 7. Minor edit of section 5.

Also, i have a few thoughts on monsters balance. Should I add this here or create another topic or what?

6 years 77 days ago
Edited first screenshot after further testing
6 years 77 days ago
Added screenshots on 640x480 and 1280x720 resolution to the Section 3.
6 years 77 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 78 days ago

thank you very much for providing such detailed reports!
1. We will check on the skill if it drops off in case the character is under a stun, knockback...or cutscene etc!
2. We will also check on the rune if it has any considerable effect on the mentioned skill!
3. Are you sure you use the settings in missions as well? If the Tactical mode is being turned on while only the Default boxes are checked, the information won't appear on your screen!
4. The description of the skill and the buff icon indeed is different, we will fix this according to how the skill works! 

Thank you for your response!
As to the Floating texts issue, the situation is following:
1) i use tactical mode ALL the time, all boxes checked.
2) when setting resolution to 1280x720 OR HIGHER, floating texts WORK AS INTENDED
3) when setting LOWER resoultion than 1280x720, floating texts appear ONLY on the LEFT side of the screen. In the MIDDLE and on the RIGHT side there is NO FLOATING TEXT (ill try to make a picture asap)

6 years 78 days ago

thank you very much for providing such detailed reports!
1. We will check on the skill if it drops off in case the character is under a stun, knockback...or cutscene etc!
2. We will also check on the rune if it has any considerable effect on the mentioned skill!
3. Are you sure you use the settings in missions as well? If the Tactical mode is being turned on while only the Default boxes are checked, the information won't appear on your screen!
4. The description of the skill and the buff icon indeed is different, we will fix this according to how the skill works! 

6 years 78 days ago
Edited text a bit, added Precognitive dodge to section 2
6 years 78 days ago

Added section "5".
Actually i dont know if anyone reading this, cause there is no response at all. Maybe all this is for nothing (have same post in steam, although i dont edit it there). Or maybe there are answers to my question, so pls link me them.

This comment was edited 6 years 78 days ago by sunlix
6 years 78 days ago
Added EDIT 1 and 2 in section "3"