why red don't become blue?


why red don't become blue?no enemy Situation.

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why red don't become blue?
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6 years 129 days ago

Well~I am not OP, I am just pointing out that the stationary gun have to be destroyed.  Based on my experience that every time when there is a stationary gun within proximity of the target location, it has to be destroyed in order to move on.  I was here trying to tell OP that he missed out the gun, I didn't know that wasn't intended.

 I don't find it a "problem" since I know it is considered as an enemy and destroying it is fine for me, however, some players may be confused just like OP.

This comment was edited 6 years 129 days ago by WeleWala
6 years 129 days ago

That Stationary Guns can be used by enemies but if you kill that gun-user that is enough. 

In case you encounter this problem next time could you please type into the chat /mapinfo and send a screenshot to us with that? That would greatly help checking on this! 
6 years 129 days ago

Not sure if that is a enemy turrent, I mean those that need to be manned and can be used by the player.

6 years 130 days ago
You refer to the enemy turrets? Yes, until you do not clear the area fully, it will remain red. 
6 years 130 days ago
Alright, this may sound silly but gun-placement is also count as "enermy" and I see one there and it is also shown on the mini map.
6 years 131 days ago

could you please share the name of the mission? To get it just type into the chat 'mapinfo' and share the details. Thank you in advance.