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- Whole PC reboot upon launching game.
I bought inquisitor martyr recently and for the life of me i cannot play it. Whenever i press play, i have the introduction cutscene, the valkyrie crash, and then my inquisitor wakes up.
I cannot get past this cutscene, as soon as the inquisitor starts talking (on fullscreen) my PC will reboot itself. I have a few more seconds to spare if i'm in windowed mode, but not much.
I have a GTX 980 (never went past 35° while "playing") I7-3770 (never went past 50°), 16Gb of ram, a 20GB pagefile, everything on a SSD, running on a DVI monitor at 1650x1080.
I tested extensively what could be the cause, and one noteworthy point is that playing on windowed 800x600 seem more or less stable, even tho it's so small it's unplayable.
It only happens with this game, i play other huge ressources hogs, like star citizen, and they function, as an exemple.
I wonder if there's a huge leak happening, because this is extremely weird.
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I have exactly same problem but its happening during intro movie (doesn't matter if I hit ESC button or not). I see main menu in game for just 1 second and it shutting down my PC and restart it. I never had such problem with any other game and my graphic card drivers are up to date. I've run every stress test which Aida64 can offer and I didn't experienced any problems at all.
Funny thing is that I played this game Yesterday for few hours (it was short after 0.8.0 patch come out and before 0.8.1) and I experienced shutting down my system but when I tried run this game for a second time everything was just fine. Today (after deploying patch 0.8.1) unfortunatelly it shut down my PC everytime I try to run it.
Perhaps to rule it out try running some really intensive benchmark softwares to stress your system out.
Handbreak always does it best for me.
I verified, in menus my card is at 30ish, when the game is "launched" (for the seconds it lasts) 40°
and i forgot to say, but i'm on Win10
Im extremely puzzled
Here's my guess. It "sounds" like an overheating issue. Yet it isn't according to your temp readings. However...
34 degrees for the GPU sounds fishy to me. Just booting up the game I see my card scoot up toward 60 degrees although granted i'm running a fairly hot card on a silent profile.
Perhaps "force" your main GPU to run the game via the 3D settings within the Nvidia control pannel. Previously this was a known issue for laptops but perhaps it's come back to haunt. Basically I wonder if it's trying to use your integrated chip and failing at it.
Set this current order state as My default.